The Morning After

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I was starting to wake up. I could feel a cold breeze come over my bare shoulder so I pulled the duvet up further. That's when I felt a arm wrap around me. I took no notice and first and backed my ass and hips into the body behind me. Our two body's were a perfect fit, almost as if they were made for each other.

"Mmmh.." Wait, why was there someone in my bed? I rolled over to see Shayne asleep with his mouth open. I thought last night was a dream. I didn't think that it was real. Shayne woke up smiling but his face soon turned concerned like mine.

He pulled his arm from around me and he sat up. I did the same pulling the blanket up to cover my boobs. I don't know why though snice he had already seen me last night- we both had seen a lot of each other.

"Ummm so..." Shayne didn't know what to do and neither did I. "How much did you drink last night?" I was hoping maybe we both drank too much to remember the details of what went on. "Just one beer, and you." "Just one glass of wine, so we were both pretty sober."

This made everything so much more awkward. I started panicking, what if I was terrible, what if Shayne would brag about his to everybody in smosh, what if- "Bobbi!" I looked at Shayne to see him leaning over to me and put his hand on my back.

"I think last night was... weird" oh god he thought it was weird. I was terrible. Shayne must have seen the embarrassment on my face and immediately corrected himself. "No, like a good weird!"

I looked around the room, there was bits of clothing all around the floor. I could feel something poking my thigh, I put my hand under the duvet to pick up one of Shayne's shirt buttons. "Hey, is it rude if I ask to use your shower?" "No, go on ahead." I said while just staring at the small white button.

While Shayne hopped into my shower I put on a bra and underwear and a long cardigan. I took me a good five minutes to find two out of the three buttons. I had no clue where the last one was. I took Shayne's shirt and went into the utility room to get my sowing kit. They only replacement I had was a black button around the same size as the others.

I sat down at the kitchen counter and started to fix Shayne's shirt., I knew he wouldn't be able to go to work looking like that. Just as I was sowing the last button on Shayne came out into the kitchen. His hair was still wet and it was dropping water down his neck and onto his top. God, he looked so good.

"Sorry about your shirt, I've almost finished fixing it." "It's fine, I actually found it quite sexy when you pulled it off me!" He sat down next to me but came especially close to me when he said that. I laid the shirt on my lap. "So, do we like talk about what happened or..." "I really don't know what to say Bobbie!" He rubbed his hand through his damp hair. "Well one thing I know is that I don't want this to become a one time thing."

That made me so confused. Did Shayne like me? Or did he only like the sex? Did I want something more? All I could do was finish sowing the last button on his shirt and hand it to him. "Here you go!" I handed him the shirt with a half assed chuckle.

"A black button, huh?" Once again Shaynes smirk came out as he looked up at me. God! "Let's call it a good luck charm!" I could feel my body pulling closer to Shayne. I looked up at him and all I could think about was how badly I wanted to kiss him again. "Shay" I was cut off by him jumping off the stool. "Oh shit, the time I'm gonna be late for work!" He was putting on his shirt and walking towards the door at the same time. " I'll see you soon!" And with that sentence he shut the door without looking back.

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