Back So Soon?

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Shayne POV
I walked into the office the next morning after my date with Bobbie. Really I expected a normal day but Olivia ran up to me and pulled me into a room. "So?" She was leaning on a table and had her hands crossed, waiting for me to respond. "What?" I hadn't a clue what was going on. "I know about you and Bobbie, tell me about it!"

I thought we agreed that we wouldn't tell anyone. She didn't seem annoyed or protective over Bobbie, in fact she seemed genuinely happy for her. "I already promise Bobbie I won't tell anyone. You can trust me!" I let out a sigh walking over to a chair. "Fine! We went on our first date last night." I could feel myself smiling at the thought of last night. "Oh, what did you do?" Olivia was now siting down next to me.

Chuckling I told her about the prior events, all with a smile staying in my face. "I want to do something again before Damien gets back but I'm not sure what to do." I started rubbing my stubble trying to think of an idea. Through the inner corner of my eye I saw Olivia rolling her eyes.

"Just do something simple! Cook her dinner or get some take out! Not everything has to be extravagant." Sitting back in my chair I considered her idea. "That might work actually." Olivia turned her head hearing Keith and Noah coming close to the room. "If you ever need help, you can come to me!" Her hands were holding mine and I patted hers.

We let go of each other's hands as soon as the door opened. Keith came bouncing in the door first. "Hey, we've been looking for you two!" I had to think quickly since Olivia wasn't the best at improv. "Yeah sorry, I'm planning something for Damien when he comes back. I had to get Olivia to help me." That was one of the worst excuses ever and I could see Olivia over Noah's shoulder pulling a face as if to say 'what?'

That evening I stopped at the store to pick up a few things to make Bobbie dinner. I was feeling very proud of myself until I opened the door to the apartment.

Bobbie POV
Shayne has come home earlier than I had anticipated. "What are you doing back early?" He said walking in the door. He had a grocery bag in his hand and a panicked facial expression. I was slightly panicking myself since I had brunt the chicken I was making as a thank you for the other night.

"Um I was going to ask you that!" "Are you cooking?" Shayne pot down the bag on the counter and walked around it opening the oven. "No don't!" I tried putting up my hands to stop him but a cloud of smoke poured out of the oven. Coughing Shayne grabbed a towel and started hitting the smoke away.

Laughing at the sight of Shayne uncontrollably coughing I managed to turn the oven off. "I think you killed it!" He said through watering eyes. "No it's just slightly over cooked!" I jumped up onto the counter and sat in it. Shayne came closer and I rapped my legs around him loosely. He placed his hands on my hips and laughed. "It's cremated!" I gave him a small kiss and played with his hair slightly.

He walked back and out of my hold. He rummaged in the bag for something and said, "I have something for you! Close you're eyes!" I did as I was told and held out my hand. Shayne's footsteps were hard to place because of the loud music that was playing over the speakers. A cold heavy glass jar was placed in my hands. "Okay open!"

I gasped at the sight of what was in front of me. "Pickles! Thank you!" I hugged Shayne and tried prying the jar open. Shayne laughed at me shaking his head. "You're like a pregnant woman." Seeing my struggle he took the jar and with one swift motion had it opened. I placed the jar in the counter and hopped off. "I am and you're not the dad. Sorry!" I joked as o tried to find the paper towels. "That I believe!"

"What you on about?" I said while bending down checking the lower cupboards. "Well," Shayne said in a lower softer tone, while walking towards me. "We haven't had enough sex for you to even get pregnant!" His hands were in my hips now and I slowly stood up, turning to face him.

Wrapping my hands around his neck I said, "You do realise we have the apartment to ourselves for another day, don't you?" I bit my bottom lip and Shayne picked me up. All while kissing me he carried me bridal style into my room. Siting me in the bed he took off his shirt. Taking the opportunity I took off my shorts, revealing my red Brazilian style underwear.

Shayne came closer to kiss me but I pushed him back into the bed and straddled him. I threw my top off and flung it to the floor. He began kissing my mouth and made his way door to my neck and chest leaving a small mark around my collar bone. Giggling I kissed him back.

Because off the loud music playing in the kitchen we didn't hear the sound of Damien knocking on my bedroom door. He opened it saying "hey Bobbie just want to let you know-"

"Shit!" Our heads turned to the door hearing Damien's voice. I grabbed the blankets and covered myself. Damien's face was red and he immediately closed the door. I got off Shayne and he went out following Damien. Searching around I found Shayne's top and threw that on quickly running out of my room as well.

Shayne was already talking to Damien about the situation. "Guys I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt whatever, whatever that was!" His face was still red from the embarrassment and I started to feel mine do the same. "I texted Shayne saying I'd be back but I'm guessing you didn't see it!" Shayne however was calm or seemed calm, trying to explain to Damien what was happening.

"Okay, I'm gonna tell you the truth." Shayne started making me stand and bite my nails with anxiety. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way but before you left I told Bobbie I loved her. And we've been getting closer and closer since." Damien looked like he was very confused and I wouldn't blame him.

Silence filled the room for a moment as Damien took in all the new information he had been bombarded with. Finally while crossing his hands he looked to me and said, "what about you. Do you love him as well?" I stepped forward and placed my hands on Shayne's back and chest nodding.

"I'll admit this is strange," I could feel Shayne's heart beating rapidly as he looked towards his best friend for blessing. "But as long as both of you are happy-" I stopped him from finishing as I threw my hands around him. "Thank you!"

"Well tell me everything! How long has this been going on?" He had a smile in his face that eased my conscience. At the same time Shayne and I both answered differently. "Her birthday." "A few weeks." Now Damien was even more confused. "Start from there!" He said pointing at Shayne.

We spent the evening talking together and feeling much more relaxed. We all agreed not to tell anyone else for the mean time. We didn't want to spoil the way people thought of us. Or make a big deal of anything. But too many people knew already.

Hey guys I just want to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone that's reading the story so far. Things are going to get a little bit slower for while just so I can build a bit more of the narrative before anymore drama comes back.

I really honestly and truly appreciate everyone who reads this story. This is only my first one and it mightn't be that great so if you want me to change anything just let me know.

Thank you xx

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