A Worthy Adversary I Think Not Part 11

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More from Skip's Past. 

Enter belladonna Part 11

Belladonna the academy's most prominent student was an overachiever at heart. She excelled in every aspect of academia. She had it all,  brains, beauty and of course popularity.

She was the headmaster's daughter, class president and valedictorian.

Skip was the salutatorian, every year they would both give speeches to the graduating class.

Since there wasn't a student capable of competing with them they were arch-rivals.

Skip would always try to do her best to surpass her colleague, she would come close but always fail.

During basketball practice.

 "One two, one two, let's go ladies, let's see those arms stretched. Then we'll practice shooting." A gruff gym teacher hollers.

After stretches were done with, students had gathered around Skip. The blue-haired girl always felt confident.  She bounces her ball a couple of times. "Go Greenmore, go Greenmore."  A group of students chant cheering the bluenette on. Skip knew she was a show-off as if she needed her peers' support. She always practiced in secret to put on a facade. She shoots. Everyone watches in awe, suddenly her ball is knocked off the rim of the hoop by another basketball which goes in.

Skip peers over surprised, it was Belladonna who had shot a three-pointer perfectly across the court. Her throw appeared more like a six-pointer with how far she tossed the ball.

All the students rush to Belladonna. "Great shot." A student smiles, another student claps her hands. "Shes simply amazing, One other student chimes in."You're awesome." During the fanfare, Belladonna stares at Skip through the small crowd of students with a smirk on her face.  Skip turns away from her gaze.

She was the best on her team until Belladonna came along. The bluenette was left defeated.

Evercrest Academy cafeteria

"What will you be having for lunch?" Belladonna asked her blue-haired friend.

"I'm just having the bitter melon tea," Skip says nonchalantly. As if they weren't at war with who could consume the most pungent foods. 

 "Really, I'll have bitter melon tea as well with my meal of super sour lemon-flavored linguine. I do need something to wash this down."  Skip peered unsettled at the class president. "Well you leave me no choice, I'll have the same meal as you." Skip returns with her tray.

She eats daintily forking her linguine, then nibbling at it. A few minutes passed and she began to feel ill. Skip forced herself to resume devouring the unpleasant meal mimicking her colleague. Who did not seem affected by the unsavory meal.

Skip never enjoyed saccharine foods but the combination of sour flavored linguine and bitter melon tea became overwhelming for her taste buds, leaving an acidic taste in her mouth. She did her best to refrain from gagging but no use. She covered her mouth.

Skip watched Belladonna. "Much too weak, this needs something more." The purple-haired girl added limes to her bitter melon tea.

Now irked, Skip wanted to compete even more, She continued to torment herself consuming the gross meal.

Belladonna smiles at Skip, She twirls her fork then eats another mouth full of linguine, she sips her bitter melon tea.

Belladonna thought it was cute that her wannabe-understudy was trying to emulate her. When she had experience and grown accustomed to her ways rather it be eating icky foods or achieving in academics, Skip was no match.

The unpleasant taste made her nauseous, her stomach swirled around like a washer machine. Feeling sick she covers her mouth once more. Greenmore could barely speak.

"Something wrong dear?" Belladonna peers at Skip. "No." She manages to stay stone-faced.

"Excuse me." Skip strides to a nearby restroom.

Belladonna chuckles. She had sugar packets in her pocket.

During study Hall.

"Thanks Greenmore your notes are perfect." A student grins. " I appreciate your help. A  female student said satisfied. Another student joins the study group. "Your so smart Greenmore." Skip pretends to be modest. "Thank you, I still have a lot to learn, I'm not the best."

The classroom door opens.

"Your right your not the best, Ms. Wellington is." All the students squeal with joy.

Skip almost choked on her own spit hearing the student's riposte reply.

A small herd of students leave Skip's desk. "WOW, its Belladonna her notes are the best." Can I please study with you class president?" Another student rushes over.  "It would be an honor to see your notes." "She's so cool and perfect." Chatter fills the room.

Skip grits her teeth left by her lonesome.

Now Belladonna has returned from vacation life is going to get messy for the girls.

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