The strongest Flame pt3 Orbit Bros. Part 28

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Strongest Flame pt 3 Orbit  Bros part 2

Krok was a large buff demon who was full of angst ready to attack regardless If it were the other way around, he would fight ferociously. 

 "How dare you try to challenge me, a common demon such as yourself," Kork roars.

Oben stood his ground even though on the inside he wasn't too confident about his abilities, but he had to believe in himself.

 I hope my extra training paid off, Oben thought

"Make me eat it off the floor you pathetic excuse for a fighter," Oben replies.  

"Me,  pathetic?"  Krok bellows with laughter towering over Oben. 

  "I will crush you, you will never fight again." His jaws jiggle as he cackles. Oben was not phased. Rudden rushes to Oben's side. 

"Just walk away man, it's not worth losing your life," Rudden was concerned.

 Oben ignores his friend's demands to retreat.

"Well then die, I don't care," Krok shouts.

 Krok raises his arm then thrashes it down with great force smashing a table, Krok destroyed whatever was in his path trying to crush Oben. Oben leaps off the table just in time, Krok was only seconds away from smashing him like a fly.

 "Hey, you son of a bitch take your mess outside," A demon trainer hollers. 

Oben burst through the cafeteria doors, In a flash, Krok follows behind hot on the agile fighter's heels, he busts through the temple wall. Both demons whirl around in mid-air thrusting kicks and throwing punches. Now a crowd of demon students had gathered below the two egging them on.

 "Go Krok. Go, Krok, kick his butt," Demons shout from the rowdy crowd.

 "Let's see some blood," Another student yells.

Oben ducks then swerves to the side avoiding contact with Krok's fist.

 "Come 'ere you little shit," Krok screams with his eyes bulging out of his skull.

 He thrushes his fist violently smashing everything in sight from trees to large stones. Oben continues to move diligently with his superb agility. Krok lunges a couple more strong jabs, his opponent moves quickly darting about the area, Oben was light on his feet darting from tree to tree.

 "Getting tired big ass," Oben grins folding his arms.

 He could see that his opponent had become weary, Krok took slower blows with his fist, Oben was able to dodge his fist with finesse.

 Krok huffs and puffs.

I must prevail. Krok thought pushing himself to continue the fight. 

Krok forces himself forward.  

"YAAAHHH." The warrior performs a double kick, Oben dodges Krok's talons that rake a through a tree. He darts from tree to tree evading Krok's rapid-fire kicks. Oben bounces off a tree just in time, Krok breaks the tree in two with his powerful kick.

 Oben dashes away from the enraged monster to gather energy, he raises his hands in the air. 

" I call upon the power of Angi." Oben raises his arms toward the sky and they began to glow with dark aura energy.

"Gust buster," Krok opens his mouth and a powerful current of wind whips Oben knocking him to the ground, his trim build tumbles to the grass.

The crowd roars cheering Krok on.

 " Kill 'em there's no way a rank five fighter can beat a rank two," A demon student shouts.

 "You're gonna have to come a lot faster than that," Krok says smiling showing off his fangs. 

Oben struggles to stand, his legs felt weak and wobbly from the attack, it felt as if his legs had fallen asleep and a prickly feeling conquered his legs. He grips the ground putting weight on his knees then his bloody hands, he stands up. 

"Look out slowpoke," Krok growls. 

Oben is dragged to the ground with brute force. Krok charges his opponent ramming  Oben with his a bulky shoulder,  the beast then head butts him. Oben knew he was in grave danger to be caught by such a burly foe.

 "Come on Oben get up dammit." Rudden grits his teeth worried.

Laying bloody in the dirt Oben peers about the crowd while lifting his head slightly, his eyes scan the gathering of students, he then spots Nuvva. She was watching the fight intensely.

Oben had trained so hard and had come this far, there was no way he was going to give in

Krok waltz over to Oben's motionless body.  

"Say goodbye loser," Krok draws his fist back ready to pound the demon fighter to death.

 His face is greeted with a high kick that crushes his jaw. Krok is flung across the training grounds from Oben's powerful kick. Everyone watches in awe as his body hits the ground mangled.

"Now I will show you," Oben grimaces at his opposer while both his arms are raised above his head.

 "Lend me your strength, I call upon the power of Agni,"   Oben says.

Oben leaps into the air.

  Oben's lips part,"Meteor Reign!"  

He lights up the sky with fire, His hands ignite with large flames. Krok terrified looks up toward his opponent as a clear lavender sky turns red.  

"How the hell  is a rookie capable of such  power?"  

Krok now shocked stares in awe, He tries to get to his feet stumbling aimlessly about the field. Krok trips over his own talons. 

A rumbling sound fills every demon's ears, it sounded like a booming thunderstorm about to erupt, in a blink of an eye several flaming meteors reign down. Everyone watches in fear. Multiple meteors smash Krok crushing him all at once.

 "ARRRRRRGHHH!" Krok disintegrates.

Oben's ravaging flames are extinguished once he balls his hand into a fist. A lavender sky returns as a sanguine hue no longer dominated the horizon. All the demons watch as Oben makes his way to Nuvva who stands shocked in the crowd.

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