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it had taken only an hour to remove everything you had put out, and the spaces were barren once again.

you'd been lucky while putting it up to never run into another member of the akatsuki, but today you hadn't been quite as lucky. a rather childlike man in a bright orange mask bounded into the living room, where you'd gathered all of the trinkets to get rid of.

"oh! what's all this?" he peered curiously into the pile of things, paintings, vases, the name plaques. reaching into the mess, he pulled out a small figurine you'd placed on an empty bookshelf down at the end of the main hall. he was quiet as he smoothed his fingers over the ridges of the small porcelain figure.

"is this all your doing?" for a moment, his voice dropped slightly in pitch, sounding quite sad if nothing else.

"yes, it is. pein instructed me to take it all down." the man stood up slowly, gently setting down the doll and suddenly returning to the hyper stranger who'd approached you moments ago.

"put them back! i can talk to pein-sama!"

you'd had no time to respond as he bounded out of the room, leaving you to slowly replace everything back where you'd put it.

when pein returned and found you hadn't removed it, unknowing to obito's intentions. he was nearly ready to push you into the ground just  as obito greeted him in the front hallway.

"have you've seen [y/n]? i need to have a word with her." before pein could take a step into the living room, obito stood in his way.

"something about this girl is not ordinary pein. i have reason to believe she will be an important asset in completing our goal. you are to punish her as you see fit, but she will remain in this organization."

pein said nothing for a moment, skeptically scanning obito. however he was serious, and pein couldn't refuse an order.

"[y/n]!" you emerged hesitantly from the kitchen only a few moments later, suddenly nervous to meet pein's gaze. his brows were furrowed, seemingly angry until he sighed, standing straight.

"you'll be cleaning the kitchen for the next week. don't bring anything unsightly in here."


it had been another few days of avoiding konan, and today you had finally decided that you were ready to speak with her. it's not like she had really done anything wrong, but she had hurt your feelings and you weren't fond of confrontation. 

you'd spent the past few hours pacing around wherever you happened to be, the kitchen, your room, even training couldn't keep your focus. 

konan and pein had left for a mission earlier that morning, and it would be only a matter of time until they returned. they were never gone for long. just as you had made it back to the your medical station, tidying up to pass the time, konan and pein appeared in the doorway almost silently. 

she approached without a word, sitting on the table as pein spoke with you. there was blood on her forehead, and rips in the left sleeve of her cloak. "we were ambushed by rouge nin. nothing unmanageable, but we were surprised. do what you can." 

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌? | 𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now