Katsuki Bakugou x Reader - Summer Festival

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The small UA first year looked around the classroom she had just entered, her nerves building up as she wondered how her year would go. Everyone seemed pretty friendly with each other already and she realised it might have been too late to find a friend group. She really didn't want a replay of elementary school, where she was picked on for 'not having a quirk'. 

She did indeed possess a quirk, though her parents had taught her not to use it unless it was needed. She used it when training and when in combat, but didn't want to use it where it was not necessary in fear of harming someone with it. Her quirk could kill someone really easily since it involved blades. Y/n's quirk - Body Blades - meant she could produce blades from any part of her body. These ranged from any shape or size she wanted, though they remained attached to her body. 

She glanced at everyone in the classroom, most of whom had seemed to have turned their attention to her. Her eyes widened as she realised she must've been standing there like an idiot for the past god-knows-how-long. A boy with messy green hair and bright eyes sauntered over to her, holding his hand out for her to shake. 

"Hey there! I'm Izuku Midoriya, I look forward to spending the year with you." 

She took a breath in, before walking past the boy without saying anything. Physical contact was something she really hated, just in case someone hit a sensitive spot and got themselves stabbed. She took the first empty seat which didn't have a bag on it, which happened to be in front of a blonde headed angry looking boy.

She heard the teacher, who she soon found out was the Pro Hero Eraserhead, say some things she didn't pay much attention to, before everyone was told to change into the gym uniform and head outside. 


You ran along the shoreline, heading towards the meeting spot where you and some of the boys from the class were going to train together. You had found yourself getting closer to the boys than the girls in the class, though you didn't mind hanging out with Jirou every now and again.

You saw the many hair colours of your friends and jumped over the wall and onto the sand before jogging over to them. Todoroki, Midoriya and Kirishima greeted you with smiles while Bakugou just stood there with a pout on his face. You looked at them all, as Kirishima nudged his friend in the side and mumbled to him.

"Say hey to her man."

You raised an eyebrow at the pair, before Bakugou looked away from his friend and at you.

"Hey h/c hair."


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You were surprised the angry male even acknowledged you, never mind actually speaking to you. He seemed to have a small tint of pink on his cheeks while he spoke to you, maybe he was embarrassed?

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