Todoroki Shoto x Reader - That Winter Evening

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(Hey guys. I'm trying my hardest to get some more writing done recently, so I should have some more chapters up soon. Hope this is okay for now >^<)

Shoto sighed as he rubbed his temples. He had decided to take a walk to clear his head after his father had come home and started shouting at him again, accusing him of not listening to him. He compared him to his older brothers, saying that he had so much more potential than all of them and that he should just listen to him. Shoto would never listen to his father or let him train him, he wanted to become a hero without him.

He knew he was doing what his father wanted in a way, becoming a hero who could surpass Almight by attending the most prestigious hero academy in the world, UA. He was also going against his father though, only using his left side as his own power. He wouldn't ever say it belonged to his father.

He had made it to the park by now, and wrapped his scarf further around his neck. The snow fell down on the beautiful landscape like it was a white blanket, burying the park in 2 feet of snow. He knew it would be stupid for anyone to come out at this time of night, never mind in 2 feet of snow. He had expected it to actually have been worse than this, though he guessed since it was only early December that it wouldn't be as bad.

A small flake of snow landing on the tip of his nose brought his sight up to a hill that appeared to be quite steep. It lead up to a forest of trees which had something in them dragging his interest towards them. It looked like it's take quite the trek to get up there, but he shrugged and headed up the hill anyway.

Her shift at the small cafe in the centre of the city had ended early and she had made her way home to surprise her boyfriend. He would have been home by now, and she had decided to buy him some food from his favourite ramen takeaway.

When she had arrived home, she noticed how eerily quiet it was in her apartment. Small amounts of noise could be heard from the bedroom, so she assumed he was watching videos on his phone in bed or something similar. She slipped her shoes off silently, setting her keys and the bag down on the dining table before noticing the snow outside. It must have not started long before she got in the door, as she ran home with the ramen without taking notice of her surroundings much.

She walked through to the bedroom, opening the door and peaking in with a small smile on her face. The noises had become louder and she found the origin when she opened the door, seeing her boyfriend in bed with another woman. Her smile fell and the door swung open more, them still not noticing the situation. Her eyes teared up as she heard their moans getting louder, him finally finishing inside of her and flopping down beside her. She giggled, but sat up noticing Y/n at the door.

Y/n's eyes widened at the sight of her best friend staring back at her, a surprised expression on her face. Her boyfriend sat up not long after, his eyes also widening at the scene. Without a word Y/n bolted towards the door, eyes filled with tears. She heard him shouting after her, but she just kept running. She forgot her shoes at the door, heading straight towards the one place where no one would find her.

As Shoto climbed the hill, the thought of his classmates came into his head. One of them in particular stood out more than that of the others. Y/n L/n. She was a shy and mysterious girl, though she always helped others out. It was a wonder to Shoto why she wasn't already a hero, as she helped everyone around her. The day they had all went to the mall to get things for the Summer Camp trip, she had found a small dying dog in an alleyway. She and Ochaco had taken it to the vets, and the whole class had been told that she'd saved it's life. It was re-homed and everyone got to see it when the new owner brought it back into the school. He smiled a little at the memory of the dog entering the classroom and heading straight for the h/c girl, tackling her to the ground and licking her face. He remembered her giggles resounding throughout the classroom, a beautiful melody for the whole class to hear.

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