Chapter 23❤️

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*2 weeks later;Tiffany*

I opened my eyes slowly. My vision was blurry so I laid there for a second trying to regain my vision.

When I did I noticed I was in a hostipal.
why am i here? I thought to myself as I laid still.

I turned my head slowly to the right and noticed Jahseh was sitting there on his phone.

His eyes were red, puffy, and barely open.

"Jahseh?" my raspy voice said.

"Oh my God. Tiffany!" he said kissing me on the lips calmly for a good 30 seconds.

"Where am I?" I asked as he grabbed my hand.

"Well your in the hostipal after you got stabbed." he said with his eyes watering.

"Stabbed?" I asked trying to sit up.

But I let out a yelp from the unbearable pain in the right side of my stomach; almost near my hips.

"Sit down, relax." he said helping me lay back down.

"Why am I connected to all these cords too?" I said looking at my body.

"Baby do you remember what happened at the abandoned asylum?" he said looking at me.

The words struck my memory like a lightning bolt.

I closed my eyes and everything came back to me.

When we went to the store, when we got in there and checked out upstairs, when Nia and Stoke fought, when Jahseh fought the psycho dude, and sadly I remember when Jahseh carried me out crying.

I returned to reality and cuffed my face to cry.

Jahseh shhh'ed me and gave me a comforting hug.

"You're alive and you're okay. The person who did it is dead." he said calmly.

That seemed to calm me down and I stopped crying. "Where's the rest of them and my family?" I said wondering.

"They stopped in periodically. Ski,Wifi,and Coolie went to get me food. Sha and Nia went to go buy some things you'll need at home. I don't know where your mom went but she's been here all week." he said.

There was silence for a good 2 minutes so Jah tried starting a convo back up.

"The doctors said you'll be healed and won't feel any pain in a week. Since you've been in a coma for 2 weeks." he said.

"Wow it's been a long time." I said surprised.

"They did surgery on you and stiched you up. Luckily the wound was only 1  1/2 inches deep. And they didn't hit any important organs." he said smiling.

"Jah." I said looking at him.

He looked up from his phone. "Yes baby?"

"I love you so much. Thank you for everything. You've really changed my life." she said holding my hand again.

"I love you too. I'd take a bullet or stab for you any day." he said kissing my forehead.

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