Chapter 46❤️

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Quick Life Update:
My life been going well. I have a lot of tests piling on me at once but I'll get through it. Relationship wise I'm all good and I'm happy and single. I've been having friendship issues but we work things out. The only thing bugging me right now is Jahseh being gone and the fact that I lost my headphones. :(
Sorry I haven't updated in a week. I have at least 4 major tests this and last week so I needed to study. I plan on ending this book soon... I want to start a whole new one 🙃
I was currently in the bathroom staring at myself in the mirror.

Why am I doing this? I'm tired of his shit yet I still want him.

I shook my head at thoughts as I saw a lightskin girl with red dreads walk in.

She just stared at me and I walked out.

My phone that was in my back pocket began to ring.

The caller ID read 'Mi Amor'. I sighed and answered the phone while walking to the door.

"Hey Tiff. I'm um by the front door." he said with a raspy voice.

It sounded like he had been either smoking or crying.

"Alright I'm on my way out." with that I hung up and made my way to the door.

I already knew this was going to be awkward as hell.

I walked out and I saw Jahseh leaned against his car with a cigarette in his mouth.

Ew. I hate cancer sticks.

I walked over to him he just stood there inhaling all the smoke.

"When'd you start getting into that shit." I asked peering at him since the sun was glazing in my eyes.

"I don't know." he shrugged while throwing the cigarette on the ground and stepping on it.

He put his arms out so I embraced him with a hug.

We stayed like this for a good 30 seconds because he wouldn't let go.

Once he finally did I walked over to my side and plopped on the inside of the car.

I put my seatbelt on and he started the car.

It was silent for a good 5 minutes until he decided to turn on some music.

Even with that on I could tell there was tension in the air.

"What're you thinking about?" I finally spoke up and said.

"Nothing much. Just us." He said keeping his eyes on the road.

"I don't want you to think we aren't friends anymore or something." I said sighing.

"I know but it's not the same. All because of certain actions associated with things I can't control but I understand." he said pulling up a beach type area.

"You didn't tell me we are going swimming." I said getting out the car.

The beach breeze was strong and calming. The waves were crashing against the sand and the beach was empty surprisingly.

I was standing there embracing the scenery until Jahseh grabbed a blanket and a basket filled with food Im guessing.

He sure do know how to win someone's heart.

I followed him over to the dry part of the shore that was a little close to the tide line.

He spread the blanket out and placed the basket on it.

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