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Mina POV:

Meeting with Jimin really make me in a bad mood. I still in disbelief with what he told me. Maybe he just purposely want to show off me that he really loyal and trust his girlfriend now. Is he?

I go to a cafe nearby. I need a coffee to calm my heart.

I enter the cafe and I see someone sitting at the end corner of the cafe. What great timing. I approach her.

"Hi! Rose, right?" I greet her.

"Yes? Oh..Hi Mina." She greets back.

Great! She knows me. Is she remember me as her high school cheerleader rival or she knows me as Jimin's ex?

"Are you waiting for Jimin?" I asked. I assumed she is because this is the nearest cafe to our faculty.

"Yes. He will come soon." She smiles sweetly.

Hmm...Why does it feel like I don't like her smile?

"Oh...Errmm... Sorry to talk about this so suddenly. But I don't want to beat around the bush. So I will ask you straight to the point."

"Anything?" She responds with a curious expression.

"Okay...I met Jimin just now. He told me about you found my message in his inbox. Is that true?- I don't think I ever contact him for the past 2 years. So I thought, maybe you saw it wrong. Can you show me the text?" I don't waste my time, I asked her directly.

".....oh that? I think he....misunderstood?"
She sounds hesitated.

"Misunderstood? What do you mean?" I asked again. I have the right to know the answer.

"It's nothing. Really? We just had a small fight. It shouldn't involve you. I'm sorry."

"Yeah... That what I think too." I put an insincere smile on my face.

"It's okay then. But let me make it clear. I guess you already know about our past relationship. And you also know we already broke up 2 years ago, right? Past is past, I move on and he has you now. We have nothing since the broke up. So I hope my name will not be mentioned between you two anymore. Okay? Please?" I add.

"O-Okay. I'm sorry?"

"Me too. Okay then. I'm going now. Sorry for meeting you so sudden like this." I said and smile.

She responds with a smile. "It's okay. I understand."

"Okay bye."

I bring my ass to one empty table in the cafe.


Jimin sends his assignment to his lecturer's room after he meeting Mina. After sending his assignment, he quickly goes to the cafe nearby to meet his girlfriend. Finally, early morning today, Rose wants to answer his call after 12 freaking hours she gave him a silence treatment. He almost could not wait for his class finish this morning when Rose agrees to meet him after class. She was in a good mood while she talking with him on the phone this morning. She not mad at him anymore, he thought.

He enters the cafe, his eyes look around the cafe to find Rose. But his eyes found Mina first, she queued up in front of the counter to order her drinks. He quickly diverts his eyes from her and finds his girlfriend.

"Jagiya..." He found Rose. He sits in front of her.

His smile disappears when he sees Rose gloomy face.

"Sorry, I'm a bit late. I told you I have to send my assignment first after class." Jimin apologize. He reaches Rose hand on the table. He thought Rose is mad because he is late.

"Let's break up."

The words come out from Rose mouth totally shocking and make his heart hurt.

"Jagiya, why so sudden? Don't joke around." Jimin tries to act calm even though his heart already breaks into pieces.

"I just meet your ex-girlfriend just know. Apparently, she knows that we always have a  fight. So you report everything about us to your ex, huh? Are you trying to make her feel sympathy towards you so you can get back together with her?!"


Rose talk back give no opportunity for Jimin to finish his words. "Do you know how embarrassed I feel when she comes to talk about our argument?! Do you still have feeling towards her? I think you just use me.  So break up is the right thing to do now!" Rose can't control herself. She raised her voice can be heard clearly by everyone sitting and walking near them. Eyes on them.

"I'm break up with you!" Rose said before she left Jimin and walk out of the cafe.

"Rose yah! Let me explain!" Jimin stands up trying to chase Rose.

But his step stops when he sees Mina in front of him.

Mina holding Americano on her left hand. She is just done buying her drinks when she suddenly heard Rose shouting she is breaking up with Jimin.

Mina standing still at her place when her eyes meet Jimin eyes. Both of them staring at each other.

Jimin walks toward her. Can see clearly he is angry. Mina's eyes shift to the left and to the right. She starts to feel uneasy, she wants to leave. Slowly, she turns her body to walk away.


Jimin shouting clearly can be heard by everyone in the small cafe.

Mina slowly turns back look at Jimin. "Yes?"

"I already told you, just forget about it. Didn't I say I will handle it? But why the fuck you still go and talk with Rose? You make things become worse. Oh?! Are you purposely want us to fight? what in your mind?! What do you want? You broke up with me, you broke my heart and now, you want to destroy my current relationship too? You don't want to see me happy is it?! Why the fuck you left me and ruined the relationship I have now?! I regret I ever had a relationship with you. Good thing I break up with a stupid ugly bitch like you!"


Mina right-hand slap Jimin face. Her eyes tearing up.

"I have a right to ask her! I have a right to know what is really happen. I'm not stupid to just let people talk about something I didn't do. It's my name you two talk about! I never want to involve in your relationship. Out of the blue, you talk to me again and involved me in this. I should be the one who asks you, what do you want actually?! Do you want to tell me you already replaced me with someone better and you love her so much?! Well, I already know it. Congratulations! Is this what you want?! I will never forgive you for this!" Mina shouts out what in her heart. She then takes her stuff from the table she supposes to sit and enjoy her drinks. But now she has to walk out of the cafe because she doesn't want to see Jimin anymore.

She angry and she wanted to cry. Her heart hurt so much. Jimin she knew was so kind, lovely and gentlemen. She can't believe a harsh word come out from his mouth.

Jimin in the cafe sigh. He sitting back on her chair. He stresses out. He doesn't care people around him look at him. He starts to realize he was being too harsh with Mina.

While Rose... She was watching Jimin and Mina fight from outside the cafe. She smiles - a sign of self-satisfaction.


Jimin and Mina didn't meet since the argument. Mina finally being accepted by the University she really wants. She quit from the University of Arts a week after the incident and pursue her study in Sungkyungkwan University to studies Business and Marketing.

While Jimin, he gets back together with Rose a day after the big fight between him and Mina.

EXes (Jimina❤) [COMPLETED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum