Chapter 30

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I'm not really sure about this chapter but I decided to post it anyways. Since its been a while. Tell me what you think about it. Vote and comment plz. Thanks fans


Chapter 30


“Owwww” I wailed as they stuck an IV through my skin. Adrianna was standing by closely trying to keep me calm but it wasn’t working. She was trying to do those breathing exercises with me but that was just making me madder. My mom and sister would be here in an hour or so. The doctors told me that I needed to take the epidural, I was breathing heavily maybe from the fact that I was scared out of my mind or that this baby was crushing my lower half. Or both. All I knew was that I couldn’t push out this baby until Trey was here. “Ms. Williams we need to see how the baby position is. You might be ready to push now” my doctor said. “No” I hollered. “I can wait until Trey comes”…………….


I stepped off the plane clutching my bags closely and ran into a cab. “I need to get to NYC General Hospital now” I said. The cab driver looked at me stunned that I was even in his cab I guess. He sped off to the hospital….When I finally got there I sprinted to the reception desk “What room is Lyric Williams in?” I asked the lady behind the desk. She looked up over the rim of her glasses and pushed them up closer to her nose “Room 103” she said pointing down the hall. I followed her finger and rushed through the hallway. I ran past rooms counting down 109…107…105…103 I said. I saw Fallon, Nicki, Chris and Drake sitting outside the room.  Across from them I see a worried Celeste and Lyric’s mom, Janice. “Ms. Janice” I said hugging her. “Trey” she said hugging me tightly. “How is she doing?” I asked “She is as stubborn as ever. She won’t listen to anybody; she has been waiting for you the entire time. So you need to get in there” Celeste said pushing me inside. When I walked in I saw the relief on Adrianna’s face “Aww I’m glad you’re here” she said. I looked over at Lyric she was plugged up to a lot of machines. Adri left out after making sure that Lyric was okay then I went over the side of Lyric bed. “Babe…” I said pushing back hair from her face. “Trey…” she said softly “Yes baby it’s me” I said “You made it” she said weakly. “I heard you were being stubborn” I said taking a chair from the table and pulling it closer to her. “I didn’t want to deliver this baby until you came” she smiled but then faded fast then the machines started making noise. I looked over at it then stared at Lyric she was bleeding. I called for the doctor they all ran inside the room. “What‘s happening? What’s wrong with her?” I asked the doctor. He ignored me “She is hemorrhaging” another doctor said. “Will she be okay” I asked “Yes but first we need to get this baby out of her now”.  I stood there as they did things to her. The noise from the machine got louder. “Lyric…” I yelled “Sir you need to get out of here so we can operate” “No I’m staying with her” I demanded. “Did you give her the epidural” one doctor asked. “No she wouldn’t take it. It won’t have any effect now” said the other “Well lets see if this works”. I watched as they stuck something inside her IV which made her heartbeat stable. She was breathing heavily “Argh” she screamed loudly. The doctor went down to the end of the bed and pulled up the covers to see if she was ready. I cleared my throat, he had been down “there” for a couple of minutes now, and if he didn’t come back up in the next few seconds he was going to get dropped. I cleared my throat , “I see the head” he had said. The nurse went over to Lyric telling her to push. Lyric reached out for my hand, I took hold of it and said “I’m right here, right here” I stared into her eyes pushing her hair back. She tried to smile through the pain “Now sweetie push” the nurse said. “Argh” Lyric said struggling, sweat dripping down her forehead. I rubbed her thumb with my own. She pushed again “It is coming” doctor said “Come on Lyric” I whispered to her.  A few seconds later I looked down to see the doctor holding the baby, our baby. “It’s a girl” he said. I looked down at Lyric with a huge grin on my face, I was so proud of her. I kissed her on forehead then her lips. She smirk at me and whispered hoarsely “I guess I was wrong”. I beamed at her then shook my head. “Wait why isn’t she crying?” Lyric asked. “She is not breathing” the doctor said. The nurse took our baby away “Where are you taking her?” Lyric cried out. “Your baby is very sick ma’am. She will be place in NICU until she can breathe on her own. She is also very small she only weighs 3 pounds 2 ounces.” The doctor tried to explain to us but Lyric wasn’t trying to listen. I held her in my arms trying to calm her down. She wrapped her arms around my waist and continued to cry.

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