Chapter 4: Rough Way Home

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  (Haven's POV)
I sat in the last hour of the day. It sucked sitting here in school when I could be hanging out at home watching t.v. and singing to my music. My English teacher went on and on about how our papers should be at least eight pages long. We were writing about a fictional character from either a story, internet source, or someone we may have made up. First, we research about them and their background, and then we write our own story with them in it. It was going to be a fun assignment for me. I wanted to write a horror story with a fictional character, so when school is out, I am going straight home onto my laptop.

BRIIING! BRINNNG! I ran out of the room as fast as I could. Finally, school was over! I grabbed my satchel and walked out of my school before anyone else; that way I wouldn't have to deal with being picked on, or beaten up. As I walked through the streets of my town, I felt like someone was watching me. I turned around and scanned my surroundings. I didn't see anyone, so I continued walking.
"Get ahold of yourself. How about some music?" I said quietly to myself. 

I put my headphones ontop of my head and scrolled through my ipod. Three Days Grace filled my ears.I stopped when I saw a faint trail of blood leading to a dark alley. I followed it, curious to see what I would find.

"That's weird." I commented to no one but myself.

I looked into the darkness and found nothing. I stepped into the alley anyway, sensing a presence in it. I cautiously moved forward, feeling danger nearby. Why am I doing this? I thought to my self. Crick! I stopped and turned right around. No one was behind me. I turned around and hit something. I fell onto the cement with a thud.
"Ow...oh..." I said.

I looked up to see boy with brown hair and caramel eyes. Darren, my number one tormentor, was right in front of me. His hand was bleeding. Oh, that must've made that trail of blood.

"Well look at this. It's the killer of the village. Stupid whore. What is someone weak like you running around here for?" He sneered, his voice dripping with evil.

I quickly bolted the way I came into this dark alley. I didn't want to get beaten up today. I was almost into the sunlight, when I felt Darren's hand catch a hold of my hair. I yelped in surprise.

"Bitch, you're not getting away that easily." Darren dragged me by my hair, into the alley. 

I bit my lip from whimpering from the pain in my scalp. I will not show pain in front of this dumbass. He threw my body up against the wall and started to slap me across the face repeatedly. I didn't cry. This seem to make him angry, because then he punched me right in the stomach. I didn't let a yelp out. I'm not going to let pain show. 

Finally, He slammed me against the wall. He took his fist and punched me in the jaw. I spit out a little blood. Darren took out a pocket knife and stuck it again my cheek. He drew an X on my left cheek. It hurt really bad. Then, he raised the tip of the pocket knife's blade down to my heart. Was he going to carve right into it? Before he could though, I felt his weight leave.

"What the-" Darren didn't finish his sentence.

I turned to look at my left. There, laying on the ground, was Darren. Judging by his eyes, he was dead. His throat was slit. Above him was a boy that seemed to be around eighteen or so. That boy looked me straight in the eyes. His mask was a dark blue, and it looked like black tears streamed from his face. He was holding a scalpel.

"A scalpel?.." I asked out loud. 

Then I felt my heart turn as cold as ice...This was the killer! I stepped back and bolted out of the alley. As soon, as I was as far away as I possibly could be, I turned around. No sign of him. Good, I lost him. I breathed a few deep breaths and started running home again. I just saw the killer, and Darren's dead...I was worried that the killer saw me with the janitor, but it doesn't matter, because he definitely saw me now. I ran into my door and down the hallway to my room. I bolted the door and locked the windows. I slipped inside of my closet with my phone. I stayed there the rest of the entire day. I am in some deep shit...  

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