Chapter 48: An Old Foe

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  (E.J.'s POV)

1.2.3. Flip. 1.2.3. Flip. The sequence repeated itself in my head. 1.2.3. Flip. The pancake landed perfectly in the middle of the black iron skillet. It's yellow, battery self was now a soft, golden brown circle. This was the fifth pancake I had cooked, and I think this was enough for Haven to consume. I gently scraped the pancake out of the skillet and placed it onto a plain white platter with the other four pancakes. Once they were in an even stack, I turned my attention over to the three different types of syrups that were standing on the counter. There was maple, strawberry, and peach. My hand reached for the peach syrup.

If I remember correctly, Haven used peach syrup at one point in time. Talking about Haven, I wonder when she will wake up? It's already two in the afternoon. I've already eaten a kidney for lunch, so my hunger should be satisfied for now. I walked back to the platter of pancakes with the peach syrup in my large, ash gray hand. I set it next to the stack of pancakes, whose doughy scent wafted through my blue and black mask.

Yesterday, Haven and I had kissed, something I had wanted to do for a long time. She told me she had liked me the way I liked her, but I didn't like her. I loved her. At least she had fallen asleep next to me, and I would settle for that for now. Images of the pale moonlight shining on her porcelain white skin made her appear angelic. It was a mental picture I never wanted to forget. Laying next to my red-headed angel made me feel human again. A contented sigh escaped from my mouth as I daydreamed about Haven's sleeping form. This was a dream come true.


 I snapped from my thoughts as Haven's drowsy filled voice said my name. Haven's long, red hair was a little wild from sleep, and her shirt hung off of her right shoulder. She looked so innocent, and it was crazy how she had an attraction towards someone like me! Haven padded over to the table and sat in a seat across from me. I watched as her slender hands picked up the bottle of peach syrup, a smile on her face as she poured its contents onto her stack of pancakes.

"Is it good," I asked as Haven took a bite. 

She chewed on it with a smirk on her face. Her greenish-blue eyes seemed to have gotten brighter when she swallowed her food.

"It's amazing! Hey, E.J.?"


"I noticed Nina wasn't around anywhere. Where is she?"

"She left a note that said she was sorry. I'm guessing she left," I explained, placing my hands in my black hoodie's front pocket.

 Haven's facial expression was one filled with guilt. I suddenly felt bad.

 "It wasn't your fault. I promise." 

Haven nodded, her red hair bouncing on her shoulders.

She picked up her fork and continued to eat the rest of her pancakes. I noticed that she always ate the sides of her pancakes before attacking the middle with her fork, and she chewed her food ten times before finally swallowing.

"What?" Haven asked, furrowing her eyebrows at me.

 I shrugged my shoulders.

"You just look like an angel." 

I saw Haven's pale cheeks blush to a rosy shade of red. I chuckled under my mask, and Haven pouted, her lips pursed.

"Don't laugh at me!" Haven said.

I rolled my "eyes" from underneath my mask at her comment. Even though we shared an intimate moment yesterday night, she was still the same feisty girl. Haven stepped away from the table with her empty plate and walked over to the small sink. She turned the faucet on, setting the platter in the water. I watched her back as she scrubbed the peach syrup off with a sponge. The urge to spin her around and kiss her lips again surged through my body, but I resisted it. Oh, how I loved those warm lips of hers!


I tensed up as the sound of our cats', Tornado and Thanes, hissing was heard from outside. Haven whipped around at the sound of the hissing, her plate clunking to the bottom of the sink. Our eyes connected from across the room, alertness and suspicion evident in our eyes. I motioned for her to stay put, and Haven nodded reluctantly.

I quietly ran out of the kitchen and poked my head out of the front door. Thanes and Tornado were baring their teeth at something in the sky. Their silver and golden pelts were bristling, and their claws were extended. Deep growls erupted from their throats. I looked upwards into the pale blue sky, trying to see what was getting Tornado and Thanes riled up. Nothing appeared visible in the sky, but nothing is always what it seems.

I stepped one cautious foot out of the house, my hands in my hoodie's front pocket gripping the handle. A cool breeze blew over the browning grass, and a piercing stench made its way to my nose. I frowned as I inched closer to a tensed Tornado and an angry Thanes. 

What was out here?A stinging sensation crawled up my back as I was left gasping for air. What the hell just happened?! I felt myself slide down a tree, a big hole where my body had collided with the bark. My lungs burned as I tried to breathe in oxygen.

"Well, well. Have you missed me, Eyeless Jack?"

I froze in place as I stared at the dark presence in front of me. Those demon eyes, those bat-like wings, that pale skin. No! I thought we were safe here! I struggled to stand up, but the searing pain running up and down my back held me down from doing so. Come on, Jack! An evil demonic chuckle left the incubus's mouth.

"No words left to speak? Very well, take your last breath silently!"

A flash of red caught my 'eyes' as the old foe swung a clawed hand at me. Am I dead? No, I'm still wheezing and no blood has spilled from my pain ridden body. What happened to that damned incubus? I placed my ash gray hands on the rough bark of the tree I was leaning against. It was still hard to breathe regularly. My legs were wobbly, but I still stood firm.

"You okay?" I heard Haven yell worriedly.

I looked up, shocked to see her out here and running towards me. It was too dangerous for her to be out of the house! I nodded my head, limping at a quick pace to my beloved partner. She put my shaking arm around her thin shoulders to help support me. 

"What happened?"

"L-Luke," I wheezed painfully.

That was when a dark shadow loomed over the two of us. The most difficult battle I have ever fought in this life was about to happen. All I could think about in the next few moments was how I was going to protect Haven, even if this battle will cost me my life in the process.  

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