Chapter 32: Escape The Fate

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  (Haven's POV)

I held my breath as I stared down at the depths below me. Was I really going to do this? The water from the waterfall crashed down with a deafening roar.

"Come on, Haven! This is your only opportunity to escape. You're not that scared thirteen year old anymore! Be like that fifteen year old you are supposed to be!" I urged myself. 

I took a deep breath before I dove head first off the cliff. As I felt the wind whistle past my ear, thoughts flashed through my mind. What if this injured or killed me?  What if I am caught by Luke immediately? What if E.J. doesn't want me anymore? I tried to push back these questions, but they stayed put.

 I felt icy prickles bite my skin. I opened my eyes to see that I had finally hit the water. I cautiously moved my arm, making sure I hadn't broken anything. Nope, I'm okay. I swam to the surface, my hair plastered down my back. I let out a sigh of relief as I realized I had escaped.


 I held in a gasp as I heard Luke's roar from the cave's entrance high above me. I quickly waded through the water onto the grassy shore. I felt a shadow cover up the moon. No way! Luke couldn't have already spotted me! I took off sprinting, adrenaline rushing through my veins.

"YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER HAVEN!" Luke screamed from the tree tops.

I sprinted harder, anger and adrenaline pumping through my veins. I am sick of this always happening to me. I jumped over stray tree limbs and logs on the forest floor. Unfortunately, I reached a dead end in a clearing.I looked up to see Luke's twisted face. He was pissed, but so was I. 

I glared up at him, my fists clenched. Luke swooped down, which I easily dodged. I landed on my butt as I dodged another attempt. Come on Haven! Where's that old gutsy and stubborn thirteen year old you used to be?! I thought to myself.

That's when I heard Luke mutter something about E.J. That pissed me off. I bit my lip as I glared daggers. So I'm programmed somehow, right?  Well let's see what this programmed girl can do! Luke swooped down at me for a fifth time. I waited for him, my eyes timing his arrival. I lifted my leg and delivered a perfectly- timed round house kick to his face.I watched as Luke spat out some blood and turned to growl at me. I just smirked in his face.

"What? Can't handle a girl beating your ass? Well, I guess you lose this one then." I sneered.

Luke came at me, and that's what started a long fight; well, until a certain somebody found me. :)  

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