Chapter 35: The Last of Our Home

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  (Haven's POV)

My eyes felt heavier than rocks when milky-pink light brightened the night sky. I sighed a huge breath of relief as I watched the darkness fade disappear into a light blue. It was finally dawn, and I was tired beyond anything. I stood up and stretched, feeling the stiffness leave my muscles and joints. I felt thick, bristly fur rub against my legs. I looked down to see Thanes's amber eyes glancing at me.

"Who's the strongest warrior of the forest?" I cooed, scratching the back of his ears.

 Thanes purred and rolled over onto his back. I giggled as I continued to pet Thanes.

"You two are so much alike."

 I jumped at the sound of E.J's deep voice. I glanced over my shoulder, taken back at E.J's figure. His black hoodie was baggy, and his jeans sagged off of his hips. How did E.J. get so scrawny? I bit my lip as I stared at his what seemed like food deprived figure. What happened while I was held against my own will?


I snapped out of my daze. Did he just yell at me!?

"Don't yell at me, and WHAT?!" I shouted, placing my hands on my hips. 

I did not feel like being yelled at. I glared at E.J. with sassiness in my eyes. E.J. looked surprised at my remark. 

"Are you just gonna stare?" 

E.J. just stepped towards me.

"Do not tell me what to do, please. Anyway, we need to get out of here." E.J. said, looking around us.

 I nodded my head.

"Yeah. Should we go back home?"

"No! Luke will probably catch us there! We need to find somewhere else to relocate." E.J. whispered urgently. 

We both pondered on where to go. I knew we couldn't stay in the area, but where else would we go? Suddenly, an idea popped up in my mind.

"Shadowed Valley!" I yelled. 

E.J. gave me a strange look. I rolled my eyes at his cluelessness. 

"I used to go there for vacation. It's a while away, but it would be good to hide out at." 

E.J. nodded, agreeing with my decision.

"We'll need a map. Let's go to the cabin quickly." E.J. turned to leave. 

I was confused.

"I thought it was dangerous?"

"It is, but I need to get medical supplies, money, and books of information. Oh, you need to change clothes; your ass is basically hanging out."

 I felt my face turn red.

"Well, you should stop sagging your pants!" I retorted.

 E.J. looked down at the ground. His blue mask dipped to the side, revealing a little of his gray cheek. I still wondered what his face looked like.

"Haven, I can't help it. I haven't ate anything for two weeks...I've been looking for you." 

I felt my heart drop. Did the scary Eyeless Jack really spend his time looking for me? He didn't eat. I rubbed my hand through my now brown hair.

"Let's go. We need to get our stuff before that creep finds us," I suggested, waving my arms to mimic the incubus. 

E.J. chuckled faintly. At least he laughed. I followed E.J., trying to stay awake. I felt Thanes against my side, guiding me. Tornado was by E.J's side, padding and looking at E.J. Tornado looked over at me.

"Please watch over him," I whispered, and I swear Tornado nodded his grayish white head.  

Timeskip: A few hours later...

  "Let's hurry!" I heard E.J. yell.

I busted through our cabin door, running straight for my room. E.J. hand me what looked like a duffel bag. I quickly piled a few shirts, shorts, skinny jeans, and undergarments. Next, I went to the bathroom and grabbed our tooth brushes. I glanced out of the doorway to see the basement door open. He must be collecting his supplies. I pondered over if E.J. thought to pack his clothes, or more importantly, his storage of organs.

I ran into E.J.'s bed room, only to see it all torn up. I felt sad about what my monster comment made him do. The scratches were still on the wall in the living room. I cleared my head and opened his closet to grab some clothes. I smiled after I had put his clothes into this duffel bag.

"Haven! I'll be up there in ten minutes!" 

I heard a clang from the basement and a mutter from E.J. 


I grinned at his curse. He rarely cusses, but when he does, it is funny. I walked into the kitchen to open the fridge door. E.J. hadn't eaten, and he'll need his strength for this trip. After going through twenty jars, I was able to confiscate five organs. The others were rotten.

"I'll be outside!" I yelled.

I shoved the jars into my duffel bag and walked out the door, yawning slightly. The sun was high in the sky, and the air was cool and crisp. Tornado and Thanes were watching the woods, ears perked. I heard E.J. step out of the cabin. He had a small, black backpack and a "tool box." He nodded at me and we both walked away from the cabin.

I glanced over my shoulder to see our home one last time. I felt tears prick my eyes. A lot of things had happened in that cabin. I used to be a prisoner, but now I was a friend. That cabin was now considered my home to me. Now, I probably won't ever see it again. I flicked a stray tear from my cheek. E.J's back was to me. He was reading an atlas. The county's map was in the back of the book. I smiled fondly at him.

He used to be my captor. I used to hate him, but now he's my best friend.

"My only friend," I whispered. 

E.J. turned to look at me.


 I shook my head, tears sliding down my cheeks. Without thinking, I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He tensed, but soon he hugged me back. Eyeless Jack was my only friend in my life ever. He looked for me when I had hurt him. I hoped I would never lose him, even though I didn't deserve someone like him.

"Thank you."

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