Chapter 13: Boot Camp

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  (Eyeless Jack's POV)
I heard a slight whimper outside of my door. I poked my head out and turned it to the side. What was that noise? I crept along my hallway and looked into the living room. I saw Haven under the covers. Her blanket was shaking, and noises were emitting from them. I listened more closely. Was she crying? It was the saddest thing I have ever heard, and I've listened to many victims cry. I walked over to her and pulled the covers from her head.

She was fast asleep though. Her chest rising and falling. I sat at the other end of the couch, watching her. I wouldn't have done that if she would've obeyed me. Why can't she listen? And, this is her second day! Maybe she just needs some breaking in? Yeah, she just needs to be broke in. That's all. Starting tomorrow, I'll teach her what she is to do. I stood up , happy with my decision. Before I went back to my room for the night, I grabbed a jar with a kidney. What can I say? A midnight snack won't hurt...  

Timeskip: Next Day

  (Haven's POV)
I woke up at the butt crack of dawn because E.J. wanted me to wake up at the same time as him. He started automatically list rules.

"Slow the crap down," I commanded.

 E.J. just sighed and threw me against the couch.

"You might want to write this down." 

I just rolled my eyes.

"1.No talking when I say shut up.
2.Always obey me unless there is a super super super good reason.
3.Don't try to run away or contact anyone.
4.Don't contact anyone unless I give you permission.
5. Go to bed when I say so.
6. Murder someone if I want you to.
7. Always check in with me.
8: Do all of the chores I give you each day.
9.Do not go into my room.
10. Do not touch my computer.
11.Do not look through my computer.
12. I can punish you anyway I want, unless you want to be killed.
13. Try to get along with me.
14. If you have any "problems", tell me immediately.
15. Do not touch my organs.
16. Do not try to kill, hurt, or rebel against me.
17. Do not touch my hoodies.

I took a step back at the last rule. E.J. seemed satisfied with my reaction because he immediately put me to work. I looked at the long list of chores. God, this was going to take all day.

Timeskip: A Few Hours Later

My knees were red and bruised from cleaning the floors and having to crawl to pick up the little pieces of glass. At least all of my chores were done. E.J. was in the kitchen, cooking something. It was probably his 'food.' I stuck my tongue out from disgust. How could you eat something like that?! I went to the closet and put all of the cleaning supplies away. I was dead tired, and hungry. I haven't ate anything since breakfast.

"Haven, food's done." 

I poke my head into the kitchen door, my face full of suspicion.

"What exactly did you make?" I asked suspiciously. 

E.J. pointed to the table. I saw the a plate with a waffle and whip cream with a strawberry on top. 

"What's that pink liquid on it?"

"Oh, that's peach syrup. I stole it from IHOP. " E.J. said casually.

 I shook my head and sat down. I took a smile bite of my waffle, making sure it wasn't poisoned. I waited a few minutes to make sure nothing would happen. E.J. noticed my hesitation. 

"Eat it. You're hungry." He stated.

I shook my head no. I felt a burning sensation across my cheek. E.J. had slapped me. I looked at him with an evil expression.
"I told you this morning what the rules were. You disobeyed me. Now eat."

I took my fork and ate the rest of the waffle. Honestly, it was delicious. I didn't know a monster could cook. I held my plate up to E.J. to show that I was done. E.J. tilted his head to the side. I saw him turn around and plop another waffle on my plate. I looked at him.
"I don't want it." I said.

"Too bad. You didn't eat lunch so you're going to eat one more."

I pushed the plate to the side. Sometimes, I just don't learn. E.J. Threw me up against the wall.


"Just eat the good dang waffle!" 

Okay, I was a stubborn teenager. I was naturally a rebel. I shook my head no. I felt myself being thrown through the kitchen. I felt my back hit the door, the knob catching my back. I didn't give up though. I stayed where I was.That must've pissed E.J. off, because he picked me up by the throat and let himself punch me in the stomach with full force. I spit up some saliva when his fist landed with my stomach. I landed on the floor, feeling paralyzed.

 I tried gaining my breath, but instead, I started crying. I felt the tears stain my cheeks. Why did these things always happen to me? Did God really hate me that much? I sat there, hunched over, holding my stomach. I felt myself being lifted up. E.J. was face to face with me.

"Don't cry..It sounds too sad for me." He said.

What is wrong with this guy? I just held my head down. I felt soft comfort touch me. I was on the couch. I watched out of the corner of my that E.J. had put the waffle back into the fridge.

"You can take a shower if you want." He said quietly. 

I watched him disappear into the basement.Note to self: Listen to E.J., because he WILL kill you...  

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