Chapter 18: Chained

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  (Haven's POV)
I woke up to a cold draft hitting my skin. I sat up to see E.J. open the door, only to be tumbled down by a wall of snow. I stifled my laugh, since it was obvious that he was fuming.

"What the HELL?!" I heard him yell, as he clawed his way out of the snow.

I sat on the couch. It has been two days since the blizzard had started. The first two days, we were able to go outside. There was a little bit of snow on the ground, but now it seemed the full force of the blizzard had hit us early. I watched E.J. shut the door with a slam and turn towards me.

"Haven! Go get a bucket from the closet and help me scoop this stupid snow up!"

I scrambled from the couch to go fetch a bucket. E.J. seemed to be in a bad mood now. I ran back with a large bucket in my hands. I got down on my knees and started scooping the snow up from the carpet with my hands. I saw E.J. start scooping some up too.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked.

"Because this a too big of a job for one person. Would you rather do it by yourself?"

 I shook my head no. We both eventually cleaned up the pile of snow in the living room. The carpet was wet, but we put a blanket on top of the wet spot.E.J. sighed and held his head.

"Looks like we're stuck in this house. The blizzard has come way to early." E.J. mumbled disappointingly.

I glanced up at him. I couldn't tell what his expression was because of his mask, but I guessed that he was tired.

"How about I make breakfast?" I offered. 

E.J. whipped his head.

"NO! I don't eat human food. I can't. I'll just throw it up!" 

I stared at him.

"Okay, well let me fry an organ or something?" 

E.J. stared at me, then nodded.

"Okay, but I'll help to make sure you're doing it right." He said. 

I sighed.

"You're just worried I might poison you on purpose." 

I heard a chuckle from him.

"You just get smarter and smarter every day."

Cooking took a while since we both liked different things. I attempted to cook a heart, but it was a little burnt. E.J. said it was good for my first time trying to feed a cannibal. I smiled a little at his praise. We both had cooked myself a breakfast egg and cheese meat wrap with sliced apples at the side. As we both were eating, I heard E.J. speak up.

"You know, you're actually pretty useful when it comes to being a slave." 

I raised my eyebrow.

"I wasn't useful before?" I asked sharply.

"No, I meant that you've gotten better. It's only been about two and a half weeks, almost a month. Yet you obey me, but you still have your stubborn self. I think I'll have you start cooking me organs for breakfast. So you can get the practice." E.J. rambled.

I smirked and finished my first half of the wrap.

We both ate in silence. I finally heard E.J. get up and bend down to look at me.

"What?" I asked, an edge to my voice. 

I hate it when people stare at me. I felt E.J. sniff my hair.

"You're hair smells good. It's covering up my senses."

 I stared at him weirdly.

"The scent of my shampoo and conditioner is pink chiffon." I answered.

 E.J. stroked my hair. The weird thing is, I liked it.

"I like that scent. And I like your red hair." E.J. whispered.

"Why are you petting me?"

"You're my slave, yet you're like a pet. So, I can pet you whenever I want."

I just sat there, my hair being stoked. I felt my eyes droop after a while. It was really comforting. I felt E.J. pick me up and carry me to the living room. I felt the chain being put around my neck, making sure I won't try to escape. He must be going downstairs or something. I just grunted. He didn't need to chain me up. 

Eventually, I fell asleep, but I heard Eyeless Jack say, "Goodnight. Sleep tight, Don't let the dead bite. I smirked at the lyric and whispered goodnight. I was actually getting along with E.J...What is wrong with me?  

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