Chapter 45: An Unwanted Visitor

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   (Haven's POV)

I raised my arms to stretch as I yawned. Who knew that playing with cats and reading out loud all day could pack a punch? Tornado and Thanes were still climbing all over the play set E.J. had built, and E.J. was sitting on the couch eating a kidney. I sighed happily as I collected my book and started walking towards the stairs. It was ten at night, and I was exhausted. 

"You going off to bed?" I heard E.J. ask from the couch.

I nodded my head and rubbed my eyes sleepily. E.J. whispered a goodnight before turning on the t.v. and taking off his black sweatshirt. I noticed how E.J. was finally back to his normal weight, and I was too. I slowly crept up the stairs and stumbled into my room. We had decorated our own rooms about a month ago, and my room was painted a deep red color. The walls were decorated with various band posters, and the bed had black bed sheets. A chestnut drawer was placed towards my window and had a few trinkets on top. I flopped onto my bed in an over dramatic manner and groaned out of exhaustion. Wow, I really wanted to get some shut eye...

Timeskip: 1:30 a.m.

Crick... I grumbled in my sleep as a noise disturbed my slumber. It must have been E.J. He usually stays up late at night. He needs to be more quiet, dammit! I rolled of to my side to try to go back to sleep. I was so tired for some reason. Crick... 

"Go to sleep, my prince," an unfamiliar female voice whispered menacingly.

I shot my eyes open and rolled over just as a knife came plummeting down. I quickly dove off of my bed and landed on my bedroom floor. It was too dark to see who my intruder was, but I knew it was definitely a female. An insane giggle erupted from the intruder, and she took a step towards me. The floorboards creaked as she walked closer. 

The moonlight that filtered through my two windows was able to reveal what my intruder looked like. Let's just say I was a little surprised at her appearance. This girl had long black hair with a pink streak running through. Her skin was a sickly pale color, and her eyes had black rings surrounding them. What freaked me out was her lunatic smile as she gazed down at me. I clenched my fists as I watched this girl cautiously. If she wants to fight, then she better get ready for a dog fight.

She lunged towards me, and I rolled over to the left. I quickly swept my foot under her legs and she dropped to the ground. Her purplish pink skirt flipped up as she landed on her butt. I watched as she grabbed my arm and slammed me on my back. I hissed as a stinging sensation reached my spine from the blow. I quickly retaliated back by grabbing her ponytail and yanking hard. The girl gasped as her face collided with the floor. We both wrestled on the ground until we were interrupted by E.J. running into the room. 

"Haven!" he yelled out of worry.

 I held the girl down with as much force as I could.

"My prince!" The intruder said with complete infatuation. 

She pushed me off as she hugged E.J.  E.J. just sighed and shook his head as he tried to pull her off of him. I stared at them in shock.

"DO YOU KNOW HER?!" I exclaimed.

 E.J. nodded.

"Who the hell is she?!" I yelled at E.J., who was standing next to the couch.

We had moved from my messy bedroom to the living room. Nina was clinging onto E.J.'s arm while cooing sweet nothings. Wow, this girl was annoying!  E.J. sighed and slipped his arm out of Nina's grip, his lean muscles showing from his sleeveless night shirt. He adjusted his blue mask with black "tears," a habit that I noticed he did.

"She's someone that I used to know. Nina's a murderer, along with the rest of my friends." E.J. explained out of annoyance.

Someone needed their beauty sleep. Nina squealed and hugged his small torso, her skirt flipping up to reveal her green underwear. I glared daggers at the petite female killer. I didn't like how she was smothering E.J. I glanced up to see that E.J. was just as annoyed with her from his body language.

"Well, can we get rid of her before I rip her head off?"

"No! My prince resides here! I have to stay," Nina whined.

She wrapped her slender arms around E.J. tighter. I crinkled my nose out of disgust at the sight. This black haired, pale skinned, psycho girl needs to go die in a ditch! Nina was too pathetic to be an actual killer, and I definitely didn't want her around Eyeless Jack!

"Haven, lets just let her stay for a while. She looks as if she's been traveling for a long time."

"What? No!" I objected, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Yes. I won't let her bother you."

I glared at E.J. I couldn't tell what his expression was since his face was covered by that stupid mask of his. We both stared each other down, our intense gazes boring into each other. Neither one of us wanted to back down, but I was the one to finally give out.

"Fine." I said through gritted teeth.

I quickly stormed out of our living room before anyone could say something. You could say I was beyond pissed! I really hated that Nina girl already, and I didn't trust her. I slammed my wooden door shut and sat down on my bed. My fists were shaking from pure anger. Who was she to E.J.?! She looked like an annoying fangirl to me! A wet nose touched my cheek as I thought about Nina The Killer. I softly scratched Thanes behind the ears in an effort to calm myself down. Maybe I should just stop worrying? I literally just met this girl an hour ago, even if she tried to take me as her next victim. She wouldn't take E.J. from me, would she?  

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