Chapter 28: Camp Grounds

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  (Haven's POV)
I jumped behind the couch. I giggled when Thanes jumped over to me and meowed. I was playing with Thanes, and he's gotten a little bigger since a week ago when I had gotten him as a present from E.J. It was the sweetest thing that I had ever gotten. I tickled Thanes behind the ears as I heard the pages of a book turn. E.J. was reading a new medical book he had rented yesterday from the library. He was already a fourth done with that huge textbook. I peeked from behind the couch to see what he was looking at. It showed the anatomy of a man, a more detailed diagram than what I've ever seen. He mumbled to himself as he read.

"That's really detailed." I commented, pointing to the man's anatomy diagram.

 E.J. looked up to see me.

"I know. Doctors, surgeons, scientists, nurses, etc. are learning all kinds of new things all the time. I want to keep myself updated with the medical world so that if anything happens, I'll be able to do something. It's quite fascinating actually." E.J. explained forwardly. 

I just stared at him. I jumped onto the cushion next to him and looked over his shoulder.

"So what are you reading now?"

 E.J. flipped the page to see a teenage girl's anatomy.

"I'm reading about the new occurring disease found on men's and women's body by age. It appears in different parts of the body. This section also shows each gender's anatomy so then anyone reading can see what the affected area looks like."

 E.J. pointed to the young teen's breasts.

 "You see how the nipples look purplish. Anyone could mistake that as a bruise, but if you look closer, you will see that the aerola looks like a huge apple shape? That's a symptom of a new disease." E.J. explained.

I studied the diagram. He was right. Now that I look at these diagrams, none of the body parts look right.

"Oh. Wow." I breathed. 

E.J. just nodded. I was about to get up to go play with Thanes again when E.J. grabbed my arm.

"Haven, can you go out to the camp station's pantry and get some of that Nutella stuff? I was going to make something with it." 

I nodded and went to go grab a little bag.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Um, maybe some milk, firewood, and...whatever you think we need." E.J. finished. 

I gave him a thumbs up and walked out the door. I walked behind the cabin and into the darker part of the woods. I followed this old dirt path that stopped at a stream. I went over to the stepping stones and hopped from one to another until I made it to the other side. As soon as I landed on the other side, I felt a presence near me.

"I know someone's there. There's no use in hiding." I said coldly.

 The most unexpected person walked out from behind a grove of trees. It was Luke. I smiled warmly at him as he walked towards me with a smile.

"Sorry if I posed a threat, but I just happened to be walking this way. I saw you jumping on those rocks to cross the stream. That was pretty smart." Luke complemented me. 

I giggled.

"So what brings you out here?"

"Oh, I was just taking a walk. You know, gotta get some exercise." I lied. 

Luke just looked me up and down.

"Why? You're beautiful just the way you are," Luke flirted while winking at me.

I blushed furiously.

"Thank you." I said.

 He just smiled and held out his hand.

"How about we walk around for a while. I hardly got to know you the last time." He said smoothly.

I nodded and took his hand. We walked through the forest for a few hours, before Luke looked up at the sky.

"It's getting dark," he commented. 

I looked up. Wow, I didn't know it was this late! The sky was turning a dark crimson.

"Haven, do you usually walk around here every day?" I turned to face Luke. 

His face was set into an adorable look. It was super hot.

"Sometimes, why?" I asked.

"I, well, I was just wondering if you would like to walk again with me tomorrow?"

 Luke looked away, an embarrassed smile placed on his face. I smiled at his offer.

"Of course! I wouldn't mind!" I answered enthusiastically. 

Luke looked shocked, but quickly recovered and laughed.

"Great! See you tomorrow!" 

I waved at him, turning the opposite direction.

"Right, see ya tomorrow!"

As soon as Luke was out of sight, I took off into a sprint towards the camp grounds. Shit! E.J. was going to be pissed! I quickly sneaked into the pantry shed and stuffed the items E.J. wanted into my bag, then I slipped into the forest without a sound. By the time I reached home, the sky had fallen into darkness. I walked in and set the items on the counter. E.J. looked up from his kidney.

"Where have you been? I was about ready to run out to look for you!" E.J. exclaimed.

 I looked at his masked face.

" I got preoccupied and enjoyed the scenery of the forest, so I walked around. Sorry I got distracted." I lied.

E.J. seemed convinced since he went back to eating his kidney.

"Okay." He whispered.

I left the kitchen to go into the bathroom. I peeled off my clothes and entered the shower. I sighed as I felt the water hit my skin. For a minute, I thought Eyeless Jack knew I had lied to him. I smiled as the steam rose from the heat. At least tomorrow, I can see Luke. I have to admit, he's pretty hot. I giggled at the thought of him. Maybe we can be more than friends...

Author's note: Looks like Haven is falling for the enemy, Luke. How will this turn out, and how will E.J. react if he finds out about this? The world may never know... hahaha Just kidding!  

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