Chapter 25: Grown Up

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  (Haven's POV)
I stretched as I made my way to the kitchen. It's been about a year and a half since I've been in captivity at this little log cabin. I was fourteen, and I've grown quite a bit. My hair is past my butt, and I'm a lot more mature now. E.J. and I have gotten along a lot better now. I guess we both accepted our differences in personalities and just cooperated with each other. I was still considered the slave though.

I sat down at the table as E.J . hovered over the stove, cooking something that smelled delicious. I stared at his figure. I could tell he was average weight, a little towards the super skinny side, but he had muscular arms I'm sure. His brown hair gleamed in the morning's sunlight, as his blue mask was polished to the exact shine. I always wondered what his face looked like under that stupid damn mask.

"Morning Haven." He said happily, raising the spatula in the air as a wave. 

I just rolled my eyes and waved at him. Eventually, a steaming plate was placed under my nose.

"What is this?" I asked warily.

 E.J. crossed his arms.

"It's shortcake French toast. Try it." His deep, dreamy voice boomed.

I sighed and cut a tiny piece. I placed it in my mouth. Holy Shit! Heavenly flavors erupted in my mouth as I chewed. I soon started shoveling my breakfast into my mouth.

"I take it that you like it?"

 I nodded my head and shoved my plate to the side, gulping down a random glass of milk. I felt E.J. stare at me, his gaze boring into me. 

 "What?" I asked, a little creeped out.

"Your birthday is tomorrow, right? May 15th?"

 I smiled. E.J. was always good at remembering things.

 "Okay, well go get dressed. We're going out for your birthday. Whatever you want to do, we'll do it. Now hurry up!" E.J. commanded pushily.

 Yeah, he was still bossy. I rolled my eyes and slapped the back of his head playfully.

 E.J. just caught my hand and said: "You're going to have to do better than that, SLAVE!" 

 Oh, he said that to fire me up! I growled and yanked my hand away from his iron grip. I could hear his faint chuckles as I walked towards the closet where my clothes were. I changed into a simple comfy dress. I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room to see E.J. waiting near the door.

"You ready?"

 I nodded and off we went, running through the forest like a bunch of kids.The city was thirty minutes away anyway. By the time we were at the mall, I was out of breath and panting. E.J. seemed to be breathing fine.

"Okay. So, what's the first stop?" 

I smiled in his direction.

"THE VICTORIA'S SECRET STORE!" I shouted happily. 

E.J. shuddered and handed me a bunch of money.

"You can buy whatever you want in that store, but I'm not going in there." He said as he walked inside, "Once you're done, meet me at the mall service area."

 I nodded, and skipped into the mall. By the time I was done shopping in Victoria's Secret, I had brought 5 new bras, a sexy night wear thing, and panties. Yeah, they weren't cheerful prints, I picked out the darkest ones I could. I had to have the lady measure me. And I'm a 34B now. Thank god I got some new bras! I looked in the mirror to see that...I didn't look bad at all! In fact, I was kind of sexy! 

I will admit, I still had no curves. My boobs were just average, but E.J. was right when he said that I should be happy with the way my body is. It's healthy and functioning, and it's fine just the way it is. I always repeated those words in my head when he said that to me a year and a half ago. I sighed as I stepped out of the dressing room and purchased all of my items. I walked out to see E.J. standing against the mall service door. I walked over to him.

"Ok. What next?" He asked. 

I could tell he was bored.

"Hmm...How about Hot Topic!" I said as I pointed to the north.

 E.J. just sighed and shook his head. I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"Hey it's my birthday so get over it!"

E.J. just shoved me towards the entrance to Hot Topic. I almost squealed as I saw all the shirts up on display. I ran over to the band shirts first.

"Okay, okay... Now which one first?" I asked myself.

I glanced over my shoulder to see E.J. looking at the stuff around him. A few people gave him strange stares since he was wearing his usual mask, but E.J. just ignored them or waved. Thank goodness he didn't too menacing, or we would've been asked to leave a while ago! I turned my attention back towards the clothes. I started stuffing a bunch of band shirts into my arms, unaware that a boy was checking me out.

"Hey there, beautiful. You new here?" I

 looked up to see a boy with short brown hair spike up, leaning against the wall next to me.

"Um, yeah, Kinda." I answered nervously. 

I'm not good at conversations with strangers.

"Cool. You like Sleeping with Sirens too? My favorite song is Do it now, Remember it later." 

I grinned up at him.

"Mine is A Trophy father's Trophy Son." 

The boy smiled.

"I'm Luke by the way." He said cheekily as he held out his hand. 

I took his hand and shook it.


 Away from us, I could feel an intense gaze coming from E.J....

Author's note: OOOOOOO!!! What will happen in the next chapter? Why is E.J. glaring at Haven? Who is this boy name Luke? Is he good, or not? We'll just have to see. The next chapter will be tomorrow!  

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