Chapter 49: Luke vs. Haven and Eyeless Jack

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  (Haven's POV)

I swallowed the lump of fear in my throat as an old threat floated in the air above the two of us. Luke was here. He had found us, and now he's back to kill E.J. and I! Luke's long claws glinted from the sun's light, and I shivered at the thought of those claws piercing my flesh. I felt E.J.'s wheezing go back to a regular breathing rate.

"H-Haven, when he attacks, drop to the ground," E.J. whispered into my ear.

I slightly nodded my head as a response, never letting my eyes leave Luke's demon form. Luke's lips curled into a wicked and cruel smile. Evil radiated off of his whole entire being. I watched as his large wings flapped ever so slightly as he pointed one clawed finger down at the both of us.

"Eyeless Jack and Haven, you both tried to run away from me like the cowards you are, but I still found you. Now, prepare yourselves for your last breaths," Luke hissed.

He flew towards us at jet speed, and I let my body drop to the ground without hesitation. The dry grass scratched my nose as I laid flat against it, my red bangs covering my line of sight. I felt a familiar fabric brush against my bare arm. I lifted my head only a few centimeters to confirm that E.J. was lying in the grass next to me.

Vicious screeches filled the air, alarming us that Thanes and Tornado were attacking Luke. E.J. lifted me off of the ground by my arms, his labored breathing was near my ear. I glanced up at his masked face in worry. He didn't sound good as he did a few moments ago. Did he have the wind knocked out of him?

"I-I have a plan, H-Haven," E.J. wheezed, holding onto my shoulders tightly.

 I stared at my partner's masked face, waiting to hear his explanation of the plan.

 "I need you to distract Luke while I run to retrieve my scalpel. After that, I'll jump on his back and sever his wings. I don't think Tornado and Thanes can hold his attention for much longer."

"Wait, what if I can't distract the fucker?!" I asked as panic rose to my chest.

E.J. cupped my cheek with both of his hands and brought me close to his blue and black mask. I breathed in his woodsy scent through my nostrils. I leaned my forehead against his mask. I have to do this, or else we'll both die!

"I believe in you. Don't worry." E.J. wrapped his long, lean arms around my thin waist, pulling me against his body.

I buried my face into his chest, feeling the soft, black hoodie against the skin of my pale cheeks. The hug only lasted a brief moment, however, since a howl pierced the air from a certain incubus. E.J. released me from his embrace and started sprinting the opposite way. I turned my attention back to Luke, who was currently throwing Thanes and Tornado off of him. The cats whimpered as their bodies hit the ground. I took a deep breath, trying to find the courage I needed to fulfill this task.

"Hey, Asswipe!" I bellowed. 

Luke's head snapped over to my direction, his sharp teeth baring in fury. I hope this plan is going to work! 

"Are you pathetic enough to almost get beaten down by two cats?" 

Luke straightened his form and hovered above the ground by a few feet. His wings flapped furiously. I watched as his talons poked out of his feet.

"Come on now, Haven. You know I am much stronger than you!" Luke laughed cockily.

I ducked just in the nick of time as Luke bolted towards me with his talons swing for me. I shot my hand up to grasp the incubus's tail, and I felt his scaly textured skin. I dug my nails into his scaly tail and whipped Luke forward with all my might, letting out a gasp from the force of strength I had to exert. The incubus's body went sailing through the air at a good distance away from me.I smirked to myself as I saw Luke's dark wings crumple over his body. That was so much easier than I thought! I turned around to see if E.J. had finally found his weapon, but he was nowhere to be seen in the grassy clearing.

"What the hell?!"

"You should know better than to turn your back on an enemy!" Luke's dark chuckle sounded behind me.

My bluish-green eyes widened in complete horror as I swiveled around to come face to face with the terrible incubus. His face contorted an evil smirk and smug expression. Before I could even begin to react, Luke's claws rammed through my shoulder, the flesh ripping. I bit my lip in pain and gasps left my small lips. Luke retracted his claws from my severely bleeding left shoulder. My body crumpled to the ground from the hot, scorching pain that coursed through my entire being. 

Whimpers escaped my mouth. I placed my hand to the wound, blood trickling in between my fingers and staining the palm of my hand. The blood felt hot and it was flowing out of the hole in my shoulder at an alarming rate. My eyes were squeezed shut, and I just wanted to know if E.J. was safe.

I opened one eye to look at a grinning Luke. Oh, how I wanted to kill that motherfucker! The only problem was that I am injured at the moment and completely useless. A branch rustling from one tree caught my eye. I almost cried out in joy when I saw E.J.'s lean figure crouching low on the branch, his scalpel located in his right hand. Luke continued to laugh at my bleeding out body, but we would be the ones getting the last laugh.

E.J. leaped from his concealed branch and plunged his scalpel deep into Luke's back. He twisted the scalpel around and threw it to the ground as Luke began to struggle. E.J. wrapped his arms around the incubus's neck as he tried to hold on. The two wrestled in midair until E.J. had a good enough grip on Luke's wings. With a mighty pull, E.J. ripped off Luke's pair of wings, the sound of skin ripping.

Luke let out shrill shriek that rang out through Shadowed Valley. Instantly, E.J. took a hold of Luke's neck and snapped it. The pop of bones made me cringe out of disgust. I watched tiredly as my partner hopped off of Luke's now limp body. The incubus's body plummeted to the ground with a loud thud. Then, the damned enemy's body burst into flaring flames that enveloped the air. It was done. Luke was dead. We were now safe together.  

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