Chapter 9: Let Me Go

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  (Haven's POV)
As I felt my back hit the wall, I gave a big oof! I looked up to see Eyeless Jack standing over my mother. I watched his gloved hand grab my mother's head and slam it to the ground. I sat there shocked at what he just did. What the heck! I just helped him escape, yet he throws me against a wall? Realization struck my mind, and I mentally face palmed. Oh yeah, I forgot he murdered people. Of course he was going to finish me off soon!

I crawled over to the door, and pushed it open slightly. I looked over my shoulder to make sure he didn't see me. Nope, he was too busy slamming my mother's head against the ground. I shakily crawled down the stairs as fast as I could. Once I reached the end of the steps, I stumbled up, and tried my best to sprint out of my house. I AM NOT DYING TODAY! 

I ran down my street, past the park, and onto a deserted road. I really need to find some help.I was running out of breath for running a little while. My head was dizzy, and my stomach was cramping up for some reason. I felt sick and weak, but I had to keep going. I can't let him catch me! I started running again when I thought about how I saw him murder Darren and the janitor. I am not dying like that!

I felt myself get tackled to the ground by someone heavier than me. I tried breathing in, but I couldn't get any oxygen. I stared up at the blue mask above me. Eyeless Jack caught me. Of course, he did. I'm going to die, and it's because I'm not strong enough. I let out one last breath, and let my body go limp. I was used by my parents as bait, everyone in the town hated me, I was ignored, I was beaten, and now I'm going to be killed. Please let me go..I'm ready to leave this world now. I have served my purpose.

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