Chapter 12: Shopping is Embarrassing with E.J.

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  (Haven's POV)
Note to self, do not go shopping with a cannibalistic killer. It's embarrassing. I sat in the dressing room with Eyeless Jack. We were shopping for some new clothes that I could wear. E.J. had to get absolutely everything right, though. He even stole a tape measure to measure my size. And by size, I meant bra size. 

 "Hmm...According to this you're a 34A. " E.J. said out loud to me.

"I already knew my bra size."I said flatly, glaring daggers at him.

"Well I can't let my slave complain about her breasts being uncomfortable later on in life." He shot back.

 I just rolled my arms and covered my chest. He had made me take EVERYTHING on my top half off so he could measure. E.J. turned away. 

"You know I'm not doing this for enjoyment right? I don't like looking at naked little girls. I just wanted to make sure everything fit." He said. 

Did he just call me little?I turned around and marched right up to him.

"Who are you calling little?! I'm am not little. I am big enough to kick your ass, pervert!"

 I couldn't tell if he was mad because of his mask. But, his actions spoke for him. He slammed me against the wall and slapped me across the face.

"I. Am. Not. A. Pervert!" He said through clenched teeth.

I shuddered as his grip dug into my skin. Suddenly, the dressing room door opened to a woman in her thirties. She looked at us, shocked. E.J. just stared at her, and I hid my face in embarrassment. Great, it probably looked like we were flipping making out.

The woman turned and yelled, "manager!"

"Damn. Come on Haven, we have to go to another store to by you stupid bras. He dragged me by my arm.

Instead, we went to JC Penny's to bra shop. E.J. was carrying my bags of clothes, bath products, technology, books, etc.

"I'll let you go roam to look for what you like, but if you try to run away, I'll catch you and murder you." He said, running his thumb across his neck.

I gulped and ran straight to the bra section. I picked out about nine designs and went to go try them on. They all fit fine on my body. I sighed in relief since this shopping trip was almost over. I stepped out of the dressing room to find E.J. sitting there, reading a huge book. He had a huge pile of underwear in front of him. I'm guessing those were for me. I sighed and read the size. Yep, they were for me.

"Are you done now? You human girls take so long."

"Yeah, I've been done shopping with you," I said sharply. 

E.J. stepped close to me.

"I suggest you watch your tongue. Remember you're my slave until I get tired of you. And, don't make me get tired of you now, or you're dead. Understand?" 

I turned my cheek the other direction. I was ashamed that I was caught by this guy. We both went up to the cashier and paid for our things while the cashier stared weirdly at E.J.,  and left the building. E.J. took me into a dark alley and held me down against the ground.

"What are you doing?!" I asked.

 I felt something close around my neck. E.J. stood up and started walking. I felt myself being pulled. He put a chained collar around my neck?!

"I told you were my slave. and this is to make sure you don't try anything." E.J. said without looking back at me. 

I sighed in frustration. What is wrong with this guy? Why doesn't he take off his mask so he can face me like a real man?!  

   The next night, I was laying on the couch since that was my bed. I listened to my music as I played Nyan Cat on my Ipad. I was wearing a dark tank top with black shorts and purple socks. This sucked. Being a slave to a cannibalistic killer isn't cool at all.

"Haven! I need you to come here and hold this body down!" 

I swallowed down my vomit. He wants me to help him murder someone?!

"NO WAY!" I screamed down the hall. 

E.J. poked his head around the corner.

"What did you just say?!"

 I shivered and reluctantly stood up to follow him down the stairs into the basements.

Lying on the wooden table was a woman around sixteen with blonde hair. E.J. was standing over her. His mask slightly twisted. I could make out a little bit of gray skin. So he had gray skin? I held down the woman's hands as E.J. took his scalpel and placed it against her neck.
"Okay, beautiful, it'll be over in a minute." E.J. soothed her.

The woman looked at E.J. with disgustingly beautiful blue eyes. I felt something burn deep inside of me. Why'd he call her beautiful? Oh yeah, because she wasn't a toothpick like me. I felt her body loosen after my thoughts. I glanced down to see her throat slit.

"Haven, stay here until all of her organs are collected."

 I gagged at his command.

"THAT' S DISGUSTING!!" I yelled.

 E.J. just ignored me and cut a line across her side. He pulled out what looked like a kidney.

"There are jars over there. Hand me three of them."

I hesitantly walked over to a corner where a bunch of jars were lying neatly stacked. I handed E.J. one, trying hard not to puke. He placed one kidney in the first one, and the second kidney in the second jar.

"Are we done?" I asked, looking away at the vile sight.

"Just one more," E.J. whispered.

He took out a heart. It was still beating in his hand. That's it, I'm going to lose my supper. I ran upstairs into the bathroom and spilled my guts out. I laid there, shivering at what I just saw. He was going to eat those later. Ewwwww!!!I heard the door open and a shadow cover me.

"It's all over now. Your use is done for today. You can go sleep on the couch now." 

E.J. waited for me to get up. I didn't move. 

"I said you can go to sleep now..." 

 No reply. I felt E.J. grasp my throat and throw me outside of the door. My head hit the wall. I glared up at him, rubbing my head. E.J. just picked me up like I was nothing and threw me on the couch.

"Do not disobey me again, or next time I will make sure you can't do anything!" 

I slipped the blanket over my head so I wouldn't have to look at E.J. anymore. Stupid! I hate him! I heard E.J. walk away and the slam of a door. He must've went to bed too. Before I went to sleep, I did something I've never done before. I cried myself to sleep.  

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