Chapter 27: Furry Cuteness

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  (E.J's POV)
That's right! That Luke guy was was that succubus's brother! That's how I knew him from somewhere! I froze as my thoughts aligned. We killed his sister. Haven helped me to defeat her, since she messed with Ben DROWNED's heart and then tore him up to shreds. I had to be the one to patch him up. He's out for revenge...And his only chance to succeed that is to have Haven. SHIT!!! I jumped as a hand landed on my shoulder.

"Woah. Why'd you jump? Aren't killers always supposed to keep their composure?" Haven asked teasingly.

I relaxed and looked up at her. Her eyes looked more green than blue today. It was a pretty color. I loved her eyes.

"Yeah." I answered.

 Haven just plopped down beside me and took the remote.

"What do you think you're doing?" 

Haven just flipped through the channels on my t.v.

"Finding something to watch." She said.

 I snatched the remote out of her hands.

"Hey!" She shouted and glared at me.

"I, your master, have control over the t.v. You should know that by now!" I said with authority.

Haven just reached over and and tried to swipe the remote from me. She failed.

"But it's my birthday today!" She argued, her red hair swished as she jumped up from the couch.

 Yeah, it took me the whole entire night to figure out how I knew that Luke guy from somewhere. And, today was Haven's actual birthday.

"So? Besides, I have to give you your present soon. How about now?" 

That seemed to distract her from the remote situation. She smiled.

"What is it?"

 I stood up and went into my room, closing the door to make sure she didn't peek. I opened my closet and rummaged through it. Where was the damn thing?  I just fed them a little while ago! I moved over a box of medical books.

"Ah. There you are." I said happily.

I carefully cradled the box in my hands. I didn't want to drop this. I turned around to see Haven peeking her head through. She quickly bolted out. I sighed and shook my head at her impatience. I opened up the door and called out.

"You can come in now."

Haven rushed past me and jumped on my bed, bouncing up and down.

"What is it? What is it?!" She asked loudly.

I chuckled at her reaction. She could be such a kid sometimes, and it was adorable. I laid the box in front of her, and carefully opened the top lid. I watched as Haven's eyes lit up, and she squealed with joy. Two little heads popped out.

"KITTENS!" Haven squealed, throwing her hands up.

I smiled at her reaction. I knew she was going to love them. One kitten was white with a tint of of gray on it, and the other was a dark brown with black stripes. 

 "They're yours. Both of them are boys. Go ahead and take them." I prompted.

 Haven looked at me, then towards the kittens. She's up to something...

"I don't want to take both of them. They're both really cute, but I want you to have one." 

I was taken back by what had just came out of her mouth.

"You want me to have one?"

 Haven nodded. I just shrugged.

 "Okay, well you get first pick. No arguments." I commanded.

Haven just rolled her eyes. It seemed like forever before she made up her mind.

"I want this one."

She picked up the brown kitten with black stripes. I looked down at the last kitten. He had frosty blue eyes. I picked him up with my hand. He was almost as big as my hand but not quite.

"What are you going to name him?"

 I thought for a minute before finally choosing the name.

"Tornado." I stated. 

Haven nodded her head.

"Unusual name, but good."

 I just stared at Tornado, who was napping in my hand.

"How about yours?" 

Haven grinned and pointed to her kitten.

"His name is Thanes, attendant warrior," Haven announced proudly. 

I smiled behind my mask and set Tornado on the ground. He mewed a little bit, but soon settled in. I stood in front of Haven and held her shoulders.

"Tomorrow, we're going out to hunt, and I'm going to teach you how to use stealth when killing." 

Haven's eyes widened.

"Oh, okay." 

I could tell she was surprised.

"Well, how about some blueberry cake for my slave's birthday?" I asked. 

Haven jumped up from the bed and rushed to the door. Thanes just curled up next to Tornado.

 "Well, I guess that's a yes," I told myself. 

I left the room, and made one final look, before closing the door.  

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