Chapter 31:

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  (Haven's POV)

  The cold air stung my face as we flew past the woods. I felt myself tear up as I watched E.J.'s figure get smaller and smaller, and then disappearing completely. What have I done? E.J. was right... Luke was someone I didn't know. I didn't know what he was capable of...Yet, I didn't listen and acted like a love sick puppy. And now, I fell into this situation.

I tried to move. I thrashed, wiggled, and moved, but it was no use. Luke must've noticed because his grip tightened around my waist. I could feel his nails digging into my flesh. I winced. Soon enough, we reached a large waterfall. I cocked my eyebrow in confusion. Why is there a waterfall? What was this demon planning? I felt the wind rush by as Luke plummeted towards the waterfall. I screamed, thinking that he was flying towards solid rock, but there was an opening on the other side. I yelped as I skidded on the rocky ground. I scanned the area to see a well furnished living space.

"You'll be living here. In fact, you're my new servant!" Luke laughed cruelly.

I shuddered as his laughter echoed through out the cave. I tried to turn my attention to anywhere but Luke. Sadly, he cupped my cheek and made me face him.

 "Now, now. Don't be shy. I'll make you useful." He whispered. I closed my eyes refusing to look at him.

I felt his hands grope my legs, and his hot breath on my collarbone. I found myself pushing him away, only to be thrown into a rocky wall. I landed on my knees, which were now scraped and bruised. Tears slipped down my face. Eyeless Jack, help me, please... Help me... I silently cried out E.J.'s name as I heard Luke walk away. Dear God, what have I gotten myself into?...  

Time Skip: Three Days Later

I woke up with my back hurting immensely. My cheeks were still wet from sobbing last night, and my back had a large bruise near the spine. It's been three days without E.J. Three days of pain, fear, sadness, and...Loneliness? Yeah, I missed E.J. I wish I would've listened to him! I banged my head against the rocky floor, which caused it to scratch my temple. I just shrugged it off and glared at the floor.

  I hate these clothes, I thought. Luke had made me wear some really slutty looking clothes since I was now his "servant."I snorted at the memory of the remark. Hell, I'm not anyone's fucking slave! I got up and dusted myself off. I walked to the edge of the cave to look outside. The view was beautiful. The water splashed to the side, and everything looked so green.

"If only the scenery matched my situation," I whispered to myself. 

I could easily get out of here right now...My eyes widened as an idea popped into my head. I could leave right now! Luke isn't here right now, so it would be the perfect opportunity! I smiled, but soon frowned when I looked below the waterfall. The water was crashing down, and it was a long jump. I would be lucky if I even survived. I gulped as I thought of the consequences. If I jump and survive, I will probably break every bone in my body. I sighed with frustration, and looked out onto the horizon again.

"E.J., if you're out there, please come find me. I'm sorry for what I did, for what I said. Just please get me out of here..." I dragged myself back into the dark cave.

"You know he's not coming right?" I froze at Luke's voice.

He was perched on a little crevice in the wall. I glared at him. When did this asshole get here?! I just rolled my eyes and walked away from him. That only pissed the incubus off. He swooped down and picked me up and flew to the opening of the cave. I struggled to get out of his grasp.

"You don't want to do that. If let go, you'll drop to your death."

 I gazed down at my dangling feet. The water roared as it crashed down, and the ground looked tiny. I am not going to show fear to this guy!

"I don't give a fuck! I'd rather be dead anyway!" I spat.

I felt his long nails dig into my skin. I bit my lip from trembling. I am not that same thirteen year old anymore. I'm not going to cry. I will stand strong. I just glared and looked up at his twisted face. And the weird thing is, I smirked at his attempt to scare me. Luke looked confused by my reaction, but that soon turned to anger.

"Why aren't you begging?!" He roared.

 I just kept smiling. 

"Ugh, no wonder your town didn't like you. You're a psychotic freak! Your parents programmed you quite well! Stupid bitch!"

 I tensed as he mentioned my past life. What did Luke just say? Programmed? Parents? Town hating me because of it? What?!

"What are you talking about?" I yelled suspiciously.

Luke just ignored me and threw me into the cave. I scraped my knee to where it was bleeding like a river. I just stared at it. 

"I'm coming. Don't show pain, Haven..." 

I shuddered at that voice. Was that E.J's? But how? I looked behind me. Luke was watching me like a hawk. He was obviously thinking of new ways to torture me. Great, now I was imagining things. Was I really that desperate to be saved to where I hallucinated E.J's voice?

"I love you, Haven..."  

Yep, I was going insane.

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