Chapter 36: On the Run

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  (E.J's POV)

What?" I asked.

My stomach growled. I haven't eaten that much the last few days. I had to spare the organs that Haven brought along. Haven cocked her eyebrow at my reply.

"I thought you might want to know that there's a small town ahead. We could probably find somewhere to sleep there."

I nodded my head. Good, there was a nearby town. I watched as Haven fell asleep next to Thanes about thirty minutes later. Tornado was curled up next to the fire, quietly snoring. After making sure that Haven was actually asleep, I took off my mask and sighed. Haven hasn't ate that much since I found her. She must be hungry too. Hopefully, someone will be kind enough to let her sleep in their house tomorrow. I ruffled my hair in frustration. I was so stressed out about our damn situation!

I rubbed my cheeks, only to have black goo run on them. I cursed myself for touching my face. I glanced over to see Haven sleeping soundly, a smile playing on her pink lips. The sight made me smile. She looked like an angel sent from Heaven. Heavenly Haven... My heart fluttered as I thought about her. Would she ever like me, this disgusting, cannibalistic monster? I ripped my gaze from Haven's face to stare into the fire. The flames crackled, and the embers flickered towards the sky hungrily.

"Just like how I'm hungry for Haven's affection," I whispered to myself.

I blushed at my own comment. It was true, I was madly in love with my old slave, Haven. Although, she wasn't really a slave anymore. I rubbed the back of my neck. Now was the time to sleep. Tomorrow, we have to make it to that little town. I laid out on the grass, placing my mask on my face. I still didn't want Haven to see my ashen, gray face. I closed my "eyes" at an attempt to get some sleep. Maybe tomorrow will change things....  

   The next day, I was awoken to a wet nose touching my ear. I grumbled as I sat up and stretched, relieving the stiffness in my back.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Haven teased.

 I just rolled over and flipped her off. Haven huffed and stalked over to her sleeping bag with Thanes. Tornado sat next to my "tool box" with his tail draped over his paws. I quickly picked up my three medical books and "tool box." I reached into my pocket to feel my scalpel still placed in my hoodie.

"Good." I muttered to myself.

 I walked over to Haven to see her all ready to leave.

"About time!" Haven mumbled grumpily.

"Oh, next time I'll make sure to take extra long," I teased.

Haven only scowled, but soon chuckled afterwards. We followed the road for about two miles until we had a pee break. Then, we turned left to follow a seven mile road with cornfields surrounding us. I noticed that Haven was a little off.

"Is something wrong?"

Haven looked down at the ground.

"When Luke was keeping me hostage, he said some things..." Haven started.

I tensed, worried that Haven was hurt emotionally for a moment. 

"He said I was programmed by my parents. I didn't know what he meant, but I'm determined to find out," she finished. 

 I stared at Haven. Was she really programmed, or was Luke lying?

"Are you sure he wasn't lying?"

Haven nodded

"I'm positive. Doctors always said that my health was unbelievable. They could barely get a heart rate, let alone hear a heart beat. They couldn't identify what my blood type was. It was like I wasn't even human." Haven whispered the last part.

I stared at the road ahead of me. Was that why when I tried to kill her, I could barely hear her heart or the blood moving in her veins? I strained my ears to listen for it. I could barely hear her heart beating from her chest. It was the same tiny flutter.

"Weird." I said.

After a few hours, we could finally see the town. It was almost evening, and I could tell that Haven and the cats were exhausted. I stopped walking, which caused Haven to look back at me.

"Why did you stop?" she questioned.

"I would look suspicious since I'm wearing a mask."

"Then take it off."

"You know I can't do that," I stated.

 Haven just shook her head. 

"Just find a house to stay in. I'll follow you."

Haven gave a thumbs up and continued towards the town. I, on the other hand, walked into the cornfield, keeping a close eye on Haven. The mud stuck to the bottom of my converse and pant legs. Haven finally made it into town, and I climbed onto rooftops, following her. She stopped on the porch of a brick house that had petunias in the front. I watched her talk to someone, who let her in after ten minutes. I leaped down from my position, Thanes and Tornado landing next to me. I guess this is where we're sleeping...  

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