Chapter 6: Caught

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  (Eyeless Jack's POV)
I felt this girl's body go limp after I elbowed her neck. At least it would be easier to carry her, now that she isn't struggling. It was pitch black outside since it was night. I set her down, and her body gave a thump as it hit the ground. I picked up her right hand, which showed the deep cut from when she grabbed the top of my scalpel.

 It was bleeding harsher now. I lifted up her left. I saw the deep bite marks from my teeth when I bit her. I didn't mean to bite her like that, but she surprised me when she slipped her hand under my mask, trying to take it off.

I sighed and stared at her. Now that I saw her up close, she looked to be around thirteen or twelve. She was quite young. I observed her. Her hair was red, like a medium shade of red. She was about average height and weight. Although, she lacked hips and breasts like most girls  at her school. Looks like a late bloomer.

 If one thing was feminine, it was her face. She had nice cheekbones and a narrow chin. I tilted my head. I could hear her heart beating slowly. Her blood seemed to stop flowing. That's weird. A normal human doesn't do that.

SNAP! I turned around, crouched low. What was that noise? THWAP. I hit the ground face first. My vision started showing black dots. Shit, I'm blacking out...And, I didn't wake up until a few hours later... That's when I found out I was caught by her parents.

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