Chapter 30: Wrong Option

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  (E.J's POV)
I wiped my sleeve across my nose as I collected myself together. Why did she say that? Am I really a monster?  I stared into the mirror that was across my bed. My pale gray face stared back at me with a frown. Yes, I am. 

The black 'tears' started flowing down my cheeks again. I was only trying to protect you, Haven. I wiped my cheeks with my hands. I better apologize to Haven. Maybe I should just let her go. Monsters don't deserve to have the trust and companionship of others...I walked across the hall to the living room to see that it was empty. No sign of Haven. 

"What?.." I asked dumbly. 

I scanned the room to see the couch that I had thrown earlier. I looked over to see that the walls were etched with dark lines. That must've been me. Fear struck my heart as I realized that the door was wide open. He was here....Luke, the incubus, was here... Haven is with him... I took off in a bolt through the woods, my breath hitching. She can't be with him! He's dangerous! You're just being used!

"HAVEN!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I heard pattering beside me. Tornado ran along side me. I swear these aren't normal cats. Thanes must be with Haven. Tornado stopped and twitched his ears. I stopped in my place. Can he sense them?  Tornado mewed and ran to the east. I followed him, hoping that he was leading me to Luke and Haven. We both jumped over broken tree limbs, logs, large rocks and tiny streams. Where could she be?

Tornado made a sharp turn to the left,which cause me to stumble a little, but I was able to regain my balance. We continued making our way through the woods. I almost ran into Tornado as his sleek body stopped. His ears twitched, and he crawled through this thorn bush. I walked my way around it to see Tornado hissing and crouching. Thanes stood in front of him, his ears placed back and his fangs baring. Tornado whipped his tail and as Thanes pounced on him. I left the two cats to wrestle on their own. Why are they so weird?

"Really?" I heard Haven's voice ring throughout the forest.

I moved towards the direction of her voice. I came out onto a clearing at the edge of a cliff. The same one we were on earlier this night. Luke was caressing Haven's cheek, smiling. I felt anger and jealousy build inside of me.

"LUKE!!" I roared. Haven turned around, anger flashing in her eyes.

"What do you want now!" She yelled. I stepped forward.

"Haven, he's not who you think he is! Luke isn't human! He's a fucking incubus!" I tried to explain to her dense red head.

 Haven just flipped her hair and turned to face Luke.

"No he isn't. I think you're just jealous E.J. Yeah, you're just jealous that he's normal and you're not. You're a monster, keeping me captive for about a year and a half."

I felt my heart dampen again. I am a monster, but I'm not letting some other monster take her away. With the black 'tears' running down my face through my mask, I charged at Luke with everything. I tackled him, only to be pushed off by Haven.

"What is wrong with you?!"

 I stood up and went after Luke again. Maybe she'll see what he is eventually. Suddenly, Thanes appeared out of nowhere. He pinned me down with his large paw and bared his teeth. Where was Tornado? Tornado bursted into the clearing, tackling Thanes off of me. I flipped onto my stomach to see Haven standing next to Luke.

"E.J. I hope you know I h-" 

She was cut off as Luke wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. She glanced over her shoulder with a terrified expression. Luke was in his Incubus form. He looked completely different. 

"What?!" Haven exclaimed.

 Luke's lips curved into a smile, and he fell off the cliff with Haven, wings spread apart. I rushed over to them, only to be too late to grasp Haven's legs. I could hear her scared cry as they plummeted. I watched in sadness, anger, and fear as Luke flew off with her.

"HAVEN!!!" I screamed. 

Monsters don't deserve friends, remember?

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