Chapter 42: Shadowed Valley

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  (Eyeless Jack's POV)

I kicked the tire of the SUV out of frustration and anger. We only had about an hour left by car to make it to Shadowed Valley, and this piece of junk decides to run out of gas?! I punched the hood of the car, sending a wave of pain through my left arm. It didn't bother me much, but I did leave a deep dent in the SUV. Haven was watching me with amusement as I cursed and threw a fit. This exhaustion was really getting to me! I felt a wet nose touch my hand.

"Tornado, now is not the time to be petted," I said through gritted teeth.

I rubbed my head in aggravation and sat on the side of the dusty road. Great, now we have to unpack everything and walk again! Can this day get any worse? Sadly, it did. Rain started to pour down on me, and the wind blew fiercely. I wiped some of the water droplets off of my mask and stomped back to the SUV. I slammed open the car door and sat in the driver's seat. My head leaned back against the seat. I am tired.

"E.J., why don't you rest now? We can continue on foot when the rain stops." Haven said.

I turned my head towards her. Was she really concerned about me? Judging by her facial expression, I could tell she was worried. So, I sighed and leaned the seat back. So many thoughts were running around in my head to where I had to take deep breaths to calm down. I drifted off to sleep, and I very much deserved the tiny rest.

Point of View Change (Haven's POV)

I watched Eyeless Jack fall asleep in the driver's seat beside me. I was slightly amazed at how fast he had fallen asleep, but I guess that's what happens to you when you drive all night. His head dipped down towards his shoulder, lifting up his mask a little. I could see his gray chin and strong jaw bone. Oh, I was so anxious to see what he looked like under that mask! Although, I didn't attempt to remove his mask. I had to fight the urge to try.

"Maybe I could listen to some music while he's sleeping?" I muttered to myself.

 I gently tapped the play button on my iPod and turned the volume down. I hummed along to Three Days Grace and stared out of the window. The water droplets slithered their way down the window. Thanes padded up to the front seat and jumped up. Then, he curled into a ball on my lap. His golden, soft fur was in every direction. I gently smoothed out his fur with my hand, which caused Thanes to start purring loudly. I'll just wait until E.J. wakes up to ask about why he wears his mask.  

Time Skip: Two Hours 

Two hours later, E.J. woke up in a giddy mood. He stretched his long arms above his head and smoothed out his messy brown hair. He glanced over at me as he adjusted his mask.

"Are you ready to continue towards Shadowed Valley?"

I nodded my head fast, causing my hair to bounce slightly. E.J. gave a thumbs-up and climbed over the seat to gather his things, specifically his bloody scalpel and backpack. I also climbed over to pick up the huge ass duffel bag I was originally carrying. Soon, we were out in the rain to continue our journey. Our cats were following closely behind us. I decided to finally take this opportunity to ask E.J. about his reasons for wearing his blue mask with black "tears" streaming out of the eye holes.



"Why do you wear that mask of yours?"

 E.J. seemed to be surprised by my question because he suddenly stopped and turned to face me. I could feel his stare bore into me as we stood in the pouring rain. After a few more moments of awkward staring, E.J. turned on his heel and continued walking.


"Because I don't look like a normal human being," E.J. answered roughly. "If you saw what I truly looked like, you would be horrified."

I could tell by his tone that he didn't want to talk about it. I bit my lip and looked at the ground sadly. Rain dripped down the top of my nose and fell onto the road. I just wanted to know what the actual E.J. looked like under the cover up. Three more hours later, the rain had stopped, but we were wet and cold. I held my arms as I shivered violently. The wind had decided to blow its fiercest, and I could tell that even E.J. was freezing. I continued to stare at the ground while twirling wet strands of my hair around my index finger.



"We're here!" E.J. exclaimed excitedly. 

I shot my head up to see that there was, indeed, Shadowed Valley. A splintered, damp sign read in cursive letters showed: "Shadowed Valley: Resort Homes."  I squealed and ran past the sign. A few houses dotted the landscape, but everything was scattered so the guests could have their own housing space.

"Come on! Let's go find my family's vacation home," I yelled.

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