Chapter 47: The Horror of Our Love

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  (Haven's POV)

I glared at the man standing in front of me. His chest heaved through his black hoodie, and his ash gray hand rubbed the spot on his left shoulder where he collided with my door. Didn't he know that I didn't want to see him at all?! His expression was unreadable due to his mask.

"Don't you ever say that I don't care about you at all! That's so untrue, Haven!" E.J. gasped.

I held my ground as I felt my nose scrunch up and my eye twitch. Rage filled my whole entire being, and I didn't want to look at E.J. right now.

"Bullshit! I saw you and Nina! If you cared about me, you would've known that I definitely don't like Nina!" I argued viciously. 

I took on menacing step towards E.J., my hair swishing behind me. I was face to mask with him, and my nose was flaring because of how pissed I was.

"You don't even know the whole story! Maybe you should listen to me, your friend, before making accusations," E.J. hissed from underneath his blue and black mask. 

I scoffed at his reasoning. He thought I was in the wrong?!

"You don't deserve me as a friend!" I snarled loudly.

I had to admit, that was a little too harsh. My room suddenly went silent after I made my comment. The tension became thicker, and I saw E.J. stiffen before seeing his shoulders started shaking violently. I was confused by what was happening.

"Yeah, because I'm a monster, I right?" E.J. whispered quietly to where I barely heard him.

I widened my greenish-blue eyes in horror as I realized what my words had done to E.J. I clenched my fists and stepped back. My eyes softened as I stared at my hurting my friend.

"No, E.J. That's not what I me-"

"Don't make excuses! You know what I am! Look behind this mask! Look at me!" 

E.J. reached up and ripped off his mask. I was stunned by his sudden action. I watched as he slammed it to the ground, without breaking into pieces. I studied his face out of amazement. He had no eyes, just sockets that seemed like endless dark pits. A suspicious black goo oozed out of his sockets and raced incredibly fast down his cheeks. It lightly dropped onto my bedroom floor, and I realized that he was crying.

I bit my lip as I stared at the sobbing man in front of me. He was looking at the ground, his face showing shame. I'm the one who caused him to cry and break down. He wasn't a monster, I was. I had hurt E.J. once again, and it was because I opened my stupid mouth. I reached one slender hand out towards his cheeks, but he shrank away.

"Don't! I'll just disgust you! I'm sorry Haven!" E.J. sobbed.

I felt tears prick my eyes as I heard him say those words. He wasn't disgusting at all, and he actually looked really cute in a way. Maybe it was because I knew him for what he was on the inside, not outside. He was just so sensitive and vulnerable. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in for a hug. E.J.'s body went rigid, but soon relaxed. I pressed my face into his thick, hooded chest. His usual musky and sweet scent filled my nose. I could feel him crying onto my shoulder.

"Don't be sorry. It's my fault E.J. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel like this." I apologized.

E.J. just pulled me in closer. My friend needed to be comforted. And, I'll stay up all night if I have to. 

"Haven, that's not what I'm worried about." 

I glanced up at his ash gray face to see him looking down at me with a sad expression.

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