Chapter 19: Too Anxious For This

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  (E.J.'s POV)
We've been locked up in this house for about two days, which meant it was six days until Christmas. I'm tired of being trapped in this house. I need to go outside and walk around or get air, or something! It's been boring considering how Haven and I do nothing but chores and watch t.v. I sighed as I flipped through the channels. There was nothing on right now. Haven was finishing up mopping the kitchen, cursing me under her breath.

"I heard that! Watch your language." I yelled from the living room.

 I heard a tiny grunt from inside the kitchen. After a while, Haven plopped down on the couch.

"What are we watching?" She asked cheerfully.

"Some show called America's Next Top Model. It seems pretty stupid." I commented.

 I turned to Haven to see her watching the show intently.

"I thought you hated girly things like this? Why are you watching this intensely?" I asked her. 

Haven just frowned and turned away. That's weird. It looks like something's bothering her.

"Haven, answer my question," I growled.

 I wasn't trying to be mean, but it was the only way I could get her to confess what was wrong. Haven just pointed at the screen.

"Those girls.." She whispered.

"What about them?" 

Haven turned her face away from my vision.

"They're all so pretty, and skinny, and tall. Their hair is so perfect and long. They have actual hips that guys like, and they have huge breasts like the girls at my old school...Why can't I be like that? This sucks!" She confessed, her face turning a little red from her emotions.

Haven wanted to be like those girls and she's jealous of them? She's only thirteen. There's plenty of growing up for her body to do. But, either way, a body is a body. As long as it functions, why should we care for what it looks like?

"Haven, you're only thirteen. Your body is still growing and changing. You're just a late bloomer. You'll grow up to be just like them, maybe even better. And if you don't drastically change or having the same figure, you should be happy that your body is healthy and functioning. Just be patient. Just because you're not like everyone else, doesn't mean you're not perfect. Don't worry you'll grow. I promise." I said to her, turning her towards me.

Haven just stared at me. I held up my pinky and laced it around hers.Haven smiled and hugged me, an action I wasn't used to. I tensed, but slowly relaxed.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"That was for making me feel better in a way you can't imagine." 

I smiled under my mask.Yeah, we haven't been on the best terms for the past two and a half weeks, but I think we're starting to understand each other. Maybe we'll end up being friends sometime in the future? I watched Haven stand up and skip to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?"

"It's 4:30. I have to help make supper with you, remember?" She laughed.

I just shrugged and walked to the kitchen. I opened on of the jars, and Haven laid the kidney in a skillet. She turned the oven up and start to fry it. I watched her while I made her food. She has gotten better at cooking organs over the past week, but it still didn't taste the way I made them.

"Make sure to add the salt. Just a little!" I informed, as Haven took the whole entire cup of salt. 

After about thirty minutes, the food was done.We both sat at the table across from each other. I picked up my fork and was about to start cutting when Haven interrupted me. 

"Wait! E.J.! Can we say Grace before we eat?" I looked up at her with a confused face. 

Well, she couldn't tell since I had my mask on.

"I guess."

Haven gave a happy yelp and held both of my hands across the table. I instinctively pulled my hands away. Haven looked at me with questionable eyes.

"We're supposed to do that during this." Haven said.


I hesitantly put my hands back out and grasped Haven's small hands. They felt warm. I watched Haven bow her head, so I did the same. I heard Haven mumble a few words, and then I saw her start to eat. We both ate and talked about random things. For once, I was actually happy to have a human around...  

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