Chapter 16: Embarrassed Beyond Repair

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  (Eyeless Jack's POV)
I paced around in my room. Bookshelves lined the whole entire room with medical books. Where is that coming from? I felt myself start to drool. It smells so tempting. I slammed myself against my door. Where is that smell of blood coming from?! Get yourself together Jack...I took a few deep breaths and laid on my bed. I turned to my right to see the picture Haven and I had taken. 

It was the one where she jumped on  my back. I felt myself smirk. This slave has some humor. We finally took the right Christmas card picture after five more times. I couldn't send that one to Slenderman though. So instead, I kept it. Shh! It's our dirty little secret! The smell of blood wafted to my nose again.

"THAT'S IT!!" I yelled as I jumped up from my bed.

I raced over to the door and yanked it open. I sniffed the air and ran towards the kitchen. Now where does the trail of scent lead? I sniffed the air and kept walking. It kept getting stronger to where I was basically getting drunk off of it. I found Haven sweeping the kitchen like I told her to. She was scowling as usual. I sniffed the air one more time and froze. That smell was coming from her! I felt my tongue lick across my lips. I pushed her against the wall and peered down at her.

"Hey, I'm doing what you said! STOP!" Haven screamed at me.

I just shoved my hand on her mouth to keep her quiet and took a deep breath. Mmmm... It smells sooo good... I leaned my head down to her stomach, pressing my face against it. Her kidneys would probably taste wonderful, but that's not where the blood is coming from... I stooped lower and lower and lower...Until, I opened my eyes to see I was face to face to her southern region. That's where I smelt the blood coming from. I looked up to see her trembling, since I was near her lady's part. She probably thought I was going to rape her.

"Why do you smell like blood down here?"

 Haven stared at me with a confused expression.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

 I pointed to her privates.

"It smells like blood. Your vagina us giving off a blood scent..."

Haven gave me a shocked expression, which I returned. We both looked at each other embarrassed. We both could probably guess what it was. I saw Haven's face turn a deep red. Aw, someone's embarrassed about growing up! I stood up and led her to the bathroom. I stood outside the door, awaiting for her to come out. Haven poked her head out and nodded.

"Um, uh...I think I just my period." 

I nodded and led her to the living room.

"Hold on."

I ran down into the basement and ran into my tool box. I grabbed cotton, bandages,and gauze and ran up the stairs.

"I don't have any feminine products, so just use this until I come home tonight." I told her. 

Haven just nodded, looking at the floor. I sighed and bent down to her level. 

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Every girl has one. I'm guessing this is your very first one? Then listen, the pain pills are in the third cabinet in case you have cramps. Since this is your first, it might last only a few days. You'll experience some mood changes too."

"How do you know this stuff?"

"I'll tell you sometime when I have time. Right now, you need pads."

 Haven nodded and looked down at the floor again. I patted her on the head. 

"Lets just say I used to be in a medical school..." 

Haven shot her head up.

"How old are you?!" She asked.

"About...117?" I guessed. 

Haven's mouth dropped down in astonishment. I just shrugged and walked towards the door. 

"I'll be back later."  

Change of POV

  (Haven's POV)
I sat there, my face still red from what happened five minutes ago. Why did that have to happen, and why did he have to the one to find out?! I sighed to myself and stood up. Breathe, Haven, breathe. I put my headphones on my ears and started to blast Hollywood Undead.

"Bitches I hope you know, I won't stop till I hit that hoe!" I danced around a little in the livingroom. "I wanna girl on my lap and a jaggerbomb."

I smiled as I sang countless songs from one of my least known favorite bands. Just as I was about to sing the chorus part to "Everywhere I go," I heard a deep voice start singing before me.

"Everywhere I go, Bitches always know that Charlie Scene has a weenie that he likes to show. Wake up, grab beer, grab rear, put on some scene gear..."

I swiveled around to see E.J. standing in front of the front door, his arms across his chest.


E.J. started bursting out laughing.

"Hahahaa. So you listen to Hollywood Undead too?" E.J. said after his giggle fit.

 I just pouted and sat on the floor. I felt something hit me in the face.

"WTF E-"

"There. Now, go do whatever you girls do with those. Don't track blood on the carpet on your way there!"  

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