6 | Why Not?

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Why the hell is this happening to me?

"Here let me." I started to brush off his clothing. I could feel his muscles under his clothing tense.

The crowd around us gasps, in shock, totally baffled. The two intimidating men wearing black suits, that stood behind him steps forward.

His two men were much bigger then Rainer's. His men giving me the deadliest looks I've ever received. So I removed my hands as quickly and as fast as possible.

The leader rose his hand telling them to stop.

"Okay look, this guy wouldn't leave me alone. When I tried getting away he grabbed me. I kept pulling and pulling until he released me... knowing damn well you were behind me!" I pointed toward the leader.

"I'm so sorry I never meant to ruin your outfit." I continued rambled. I couldn't tell if he was looking at me or through me. His shades over his eyes hid them.

"Is that him?" The leader's words catch me off guard a bit.

I turned around to see the creep acting like he saw nothing.


He gestured his head toward the creep and the two men were off. I watched as they carried him away begging for his life.

"W-what's happening to him?"

"Guys like him don't deserve to live." He was quite intimidating. I noticed people around him stood ten feet away. Knowing damn well not to touch him. I guess that's why people gasped when I ran into him.

He was quite attractive I might add. His chocolate skin, full lips, sharp jawline. He could get a girl pregnant just by looking at her.

"Its all my fault" I spoke finally out of my trance.

"That asshole was the one who spilt the fucking drink, not you." 

The air around us is thick with all this unknown tension. I'm having issues breathing.

"But I-I still feel bad though." I take a step back for precautions. "Is there anyway I can make it up to you?"

He smirks. "I'll take that drink then."

I nod slightly before walking over to the bar.

"Whiskey neat." He takes a seat at the bar as I stand at the right amount of distance from him. "First time?"

I look over my shoulder before answering.
"Is it that obvious?"

"You won't sit down because you think there's diseases. Your hugging yourself because you're uncomfortable. And considering I come here every other day I would never forget a beautiful face like yours." His words made my cheeks heat up. Luckily for me the lights were unusual so it's hard to tell.

"Right." I look down at my feet.

"Does the beautiful girl have a name?" I look up at him to see him staring back at me. There's that word again.


"I don't know you." I state nervously.

"My name is Trey, Im the leader of the Glaciers and I think you're beautiful." He smiles and stands on his feet. "Your turn." He stands before me inching his way toward me.

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