19 | Mixed Emotions

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The mix smell of cleaning solutions, alcohol, and blood was in the air. I scanned the whole room to find her pacing back and forth in the waiting area.

"Maria!" I called out, when she looked at me her eyes were red and puffy. She rarely cries, the only times she would cry is when it's something really bad. Which in this situation it terrified me.

"Thank god!" She wraps her arms around neck burying her face.

"Tell me what happened?" I look into her eyes full of pain and I grab her shoulders.

"Luke he-" Her whole demeanor changed within a second. She went from vulnerable to pissed. "You!" She removes my arms and walks right passed me.

"Is he okay?" Rainer looks at her then back at me.

"Is he okay?" She mocks with her best impression of him. "Drop the act... you don't fucking care about him."

"He's my best friend of course I care about him! What the fuck happened?" He spat taking a step closer to Marìa.

"Obviously not, otherwise he wouldn't be in the hospital right now! He's in here because of you..." she roughly shoved him back. "...He's in a gang because of you!" She shoved him again.

"If he played sports like a normal kid, he would be fine!" When she tried to push him a third time he grabbed her wrists in time. "If he dies I'm gonna kill you!"

"Get in line." He spat releasing her wrists.
I saw her body tremble for a second before she lunges forward. Luckily I grabbed her waist before she could attack.

"Let me go... I wanna kill him!" She struggles under my hold.

"I know but we're in a public place and we're causing a scene. We are all hurting from this... some more then others." She stopped struggling. "Take a walk Marìa..."


"I'll let you know if something happens." I reassure and kiss her cheek. "Go M."

There was a hint of light in her eyes. I watch her head down a hall and when she made her first turn I looked at Rainer.

"Thanks for that." He says taking a seat.

"Shes right... I agree with her, just silently." I take a seat the one across from him.

He sighs, "I know."

"If he doesn't make-"

"I know." He answers again.

"I would never forgive you." I slouch back in my chair as leans his head back with his eyes closed.

He sighs again. "I wouldn't even forgive myself."

Marìa POV

I couldn't get those images out of my head. It all happened so fast I didn't have time to process this all until now. I had to close my eyes and reopen them a few times.

Sadly this is reality.

Is this what our lives have come to?


I watched Luke freeze in mid punch, staring off into the distance. Like he was distracted by something or someone. His opponent took the time to strike right into his ribs. I watched Luke groan in pain as he took a few steps back.

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