45 | Lights Out

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I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. As the lights dimmed, silence lingered in the air. I felt my leg rapidly bouncing as I fiddled with my fingers.

"Must you do that?" My annoyed cousin hissed.

But my brain couldn't process fast enough. Until her hand forced my leg to stop. I finally looked at her and eyes softens. Without any words holds my hand in hers, giving a reassuring squeeze.

"Everything's gonna be fine." She reassures.

"I hope you're right."

"Welcome to the Pit. Tonight we will experience a fight that will go down in history. A fight we all have been waiting for." A spotlight shines on a man wearing an expensive suit.

The crowd goes roars giving thunderous applause, screams, profanity. It only makes me more anxious.

"Coming from my right, he was born in South Detroit. He's lived a rough childhood but that didn't stop him from coming out on top. With his determination, confidence, and skill. He is Trey Grant."

Several lights shined down on him and his guards behind him. The crowd erupts, shouting out nasty things. He removes the hood on his head, flashing his million dollar smile. Once he walked on stage his eyes connects with mine. He shoots me a wink before the host guides him into the corner.

"Coming from the left side..." The crowd from the bleachers began to stomp their feet For the dramatic affect. "Born and raised here, he started fighting at the age of ten. His father raised him to be a ruthless and fearless leader. He is Rainer Hunt."

And the whole place goes wild. Some occasional boos here and there. Seeing Rainer come out with Luke and Jaden behind made my skin shiver. I watch the hood on his head drape around his face. Not once did he look up.

Two very strong men, but so very different.

I watched Trey walk to the center meeting Rainer. I examined Rainers cold stone face, jawline clenched tightly. The host stood between with an evil smile. I watched the two exchange a few words, seeing Rainer get angrier.

The host removes himself from equation. Soon enough the bell chimes and that was it. The circled around staring each other down. A moment later Trey finally throws the first punch which Rainer easily dodges.

Rainer fakes with his right and actually punching with his left square in the jaw. I watched Treys eyes darken before his fist was slamming into his face. He tried to strike again but he caught his fist, twisting it in the process, giving him a blow in his stomach.

The crowd roars once again.

Trey stumbles back for a moment before throwing his leg in the air. First time he missed but the second landed right in his ribs. I watched Rainer groan in pain. Trey took the chance to punch his jaw then with his own two hands he grasped Rainers head in his hands and brought his knee cap up to his nose.

"I can't," I croaked looking away.

"Come on Rainer!" Andrè shouts.

As I looked anywhere but the stage my eyes landed on the monster himself, Colten. Who was dressed in a velvet suit. A sickening smile rested on his face once his eyes connected with mine who was on the far left side.

Breathe Zaya.

Rainer drew his fist back and it ploughed into his stomach then his chin, and finally his jaw. Blood slowly began to trickle down his face. When Trey finds the strength to smile, he looks at me.

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