7 | Stop Apologizing

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"I haven't seen you all day in school? Where were you last night? We got so worried

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"I haven't seen you all day in school? Where were you last night? We got so worried." Maria made herself comfortable on my bed.

"Where's the guys?" I try to change the subject.

"In their dorm rooms... guys aren't supposed to go in girls dorm rooms. It's against school policy, if they catch you, you'll get an invite to the principals." She explains as if it's no big deal. "Now where did you-

"But they were in my room yesterday!" I exclaim with my eyes wide.

"Yeah, Thank god we didn't get caught. Anyways, where did you go?" Her words made me think back to last nights car ride with him.


I felt his eyes on me while we waited at a stop light. Which felt like we had been waiting for hours.

My grip around the knife tightens while I continue to look out the window. I guess he noticed because he turned away In the reflection of my window.

"I still don't get it." I finally break the awkward silence. I finally turn my head to look at him. "You don't even know me."

"Yeah, cause you're too stubborn to tell me your name." He jokes, finally the light turns green allowing him to proceed.

End Of FlashBack

"I caught a ride." Was all I said before removing my shirt.

"With who?" She sits up excitedly as if I had tea to spill.

"My Uber driver." I state confidently hoping she won't see through my little lie. She lets out a sigh and lays back down.

I throw on a plain black tank top and workout tights.

"Where are you going?"

"I have a training session with Rainer. Coach Cane is making me learn from him." I slid on my shoes before heading out the door.


"I spilt your drink all over yourself and you still helped me with that creep." I notice his grip around the steering wheel tightens.

"It wasn't your fault." Trey hissed taking me a bit by surprise. I move a bit over the right away from him, my grip around the knife tightens once again.

Trey lets out a deep breath. "Regardless if I know you or not." His hands loosening up again. "I hate men treating women like shit."

My grip loosens.

I hate that my ex boyfriend cheated on me. Because of him I don't know what's real and what's fake. I don't know who to trust anymore.

"Me too." I decided to go with.

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