22 | Tick-tock, Amura

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I need a break from existing.

"Are you sure?"

I never should have moved.

"I am very sure."

I should of just stayed back.

"Because if he isn't, I swear to god-"

"With all do respect, I've been a doctor for over fifteen years. I think I know what I'm talking about." The doctor sassed.

I felt the sudden rage build inside of me again.
My fists clenched while sending the coldest stare.

"Your a doctor and a human not a god! Your not perfect, you make mistakes. You can fuck up... if my friend isn't one hundred and ten percent better, I will personally fuck you up." I hissed as she took steps back in fear.


The doctor fixes her white coat and smiles.
"I'll get your release papers."

She left the room before any of us could respond.

"What was that?" Andrè said sitting up from the hospital bed.

"Nothing." I mumble handing him his clothes.

"I'm fine, Zay... You have nothing to worry about. I just have a few bruised ribs and a concussion." He slips off his hospital gown.

I wrap my arms around myself. "You scared me."


"Heart rage is dropping...the victim is still unconscious." The paramedic lists as she checks him for the second time.

"Andrè... his name is Andrè." I cried refusing squeezing his cold hand. "He has a name and it's Andrè."

My body jolts up at the speed the ambulance was going. My eyes immediately found their way to Andrè who still remained lifeless. Blood trickling from his head to his face made my heart ache.

The paramedics eyes soften and she gives an apologetic smile.

"Andrè..." she corrects herself. "Andrè still remains-"

A loud gasp filled the van with a few coughs following after.

"Shit." He mumbles clenching onto his side.

"Andrè, your alive!"

"Barely." He groans, trying to sit up but he fell back down. "Zay..."

"I thought you were dead!" I released his hand to hold onto my seat for balance.


He looked like he was determined, serious. He's rarely this serious, even in situations like this.

"I need you to do me a favor..."

End of FlashBack

"I'm sorry, love." He slips on his dark jeans.

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