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The younger reached down without hesitation and pulled Jin's dick.

"OW!! DON'T PULL IT!!" His face turned almost as red as Namjoon's hair when the younger yanked his sensitive skin.

"Yooooo, it's gripped on your ballsack pretty tight. I should try harder!" Jin was too confused to move and Namjoon was too drunk to realize what he was doing.


"Oh shit... Well, there go your pubes!" Namjoon shrugged and Jin felt like strangling his penis with a rope to see how he would like it.


"YOU FUCKED MY MOTHER? So does that mean I get to call you Daddy?" Jin smirked.

"SON OF A BULLY! I... I meant to say bitch, but my words got distorted because of the alcohol."

"So that DOES make you my daddy! Since you are a bully, you know." The red haired male stared deeply into Seokjin's eyes. The older boy staring right back at him.

They finally broke the silence in between them once their laughs filled up the dorm.

"How long have you been holding in y-y-your laugh?" Namjoon asked as Jin threw his body on the floor.

"Since- since- SINCE!! I CAN'T!" The boy began wheezing loudly. Namjoon has never heard him laugh so hard. He didn't even know he could laugh this much!

"You sound like the SHITTY WIPERS I used to use to clean the windows at home! You're fucking killing me!! MY LUNGS!" As the night got colder, the boys got to know each other more thanks to the alcohol and the darkness.

"Wanna play a game?" Jin asked. The younger tilted his head towards him and nodded.

"We have to ask each other anything. Anything at all. And answer honestly, no matter what the question is." Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"That's a stupid idea. Can't we just sleep? I'm tired and it's getting late."

"How about just three questions for each of us to answer, then we head to sleep?" The younger groaned loudly but agreed.

"As long as I can sleep afterwards..."

"QUESTION NUMBER ONE!" Jin shouted making the younger snap out of his thoughts.

"What is your dream car?"

"I prefer a Hellrider Motorcycle. It came out a few months ago and it has a turbo that goes so fast, it can probably make me levitate in the air! Other than the bike, my dream car would be a dark blue Lamborghini. Because DAMN, those cars are amazing!" Jin wanted the same car ever since he saw one when he went to a car showdown.

"So do I. Yeahhhhh, those cars are so fancy looking and not to mention they have my favorite color which is the night blue." They continued to talk about their dreams, their likes and dislikes, and their personal lives.

"So. If you could have any hair color at all, permanently, what would it be?" Jin asked.

"Well It's probably one of my top favorite colors next to the red and light purple with blonde streaks, and that would be dyeing it completely blonde. I've always wanted to dye my hair blonde, so permanently living with it would be even better." Namjoon replied with the same question.

"Well, to tell you the truth... Red. I've always liked the idea of having permanent red hair." Jin smiled and the younger got up.

"Wanna have red hair right now?" Jin nods with excitement.

"Then follow me to the bathroom, I recently bought a red hair dye and I've been dying to try it out." Namjoon's words made Jin come up with an idea.

"Don't you mean you've been..." But Namjoon figured it out.

"Don't. You. Dare. I'll shove the can of my spray paint down your throat."

"You've been DYE-ing to try it out!!!" Jin started clapping like a seal once he finally said the joke.

"Well if I can't beat him, I'll join him... In fact, I might just 'beat' your ass too. Come here!"


"IT'S TOO LATE. Now. Hands up, back against the wall, ass up and legs spread." Jin shrugged and got on the bed.

"I said on the wall!" Namjoon facepalmed himself.

"I'm touching the wall, my butt is in the air and my legs are spread. NOW, I'm ready to get beaten up." Namjoon dragged Jin out of the bed and pulled him into the bathroom.

"Now to just do his hair so he could go to sleep and shut up for once." He began to dye the shy boy's hair and afterwards, they both collapsed in his bed. Namjoon was too tired to get weirded out by the other, so he just let him sleep next to him.

✘How To Be A Bad Boy✘ | NamJin Where stories live. Discover now