Chapter 36: Wild Party

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By the second the party kept getting more wild. Everyone was drinking, dancing, throwing confetti and steamers.
You and Jug were off on your own with the dog.
When Archie walked in.
"Dude Valerie just got here think she wants me back?" Archie asked.
"Archie as my blood brother it was your sole responsibility to make sure something like this never happened." Jughead commented.
"This was Betty's idea I just went along with it." Archie said.
"That's so not me." Jughead complained.
"Doesn't matter Jughead she still likes you." Archie said.
"What does that mean?" You chimed in.
"It means you three are in a love triangle and she's trying to impress him in anyway and this time by throwing him a party." Archie replied.
You sighed.
"Obviously I don't like Betty." Jughead said.
"Tell her that." Archie said.
Then there was another knock and FP walked in holding a present.
"Happy birthday Jughead." FP said.
"How are you Mr Jones?" You asked.
"Happy to be here celebrating with my son." FP said.
"Didn't realize you had so many friends." He added.
"I don't fair warning you are the only adult here." Jughead said.
"Where can I put this?" FP asked.
"There's a table in the den." Archie said.
"Dad did Betty call you?" Jughead asked.
"Yeah and she came by too." FP said.
"By the way I totally prefer you and F/N." He added.
  Betty walked in and Jughead and Betty started going at it.
"It was suppose to be just your friends." Betty said.
"F/N and Archie are my friends everyone else is someone two months ago I would of actively shunned." Jughead said.
"Why?" Betty asked.
"In case you haven't noticed I'm weird I'm a weirdo I don't fit in and I don't want to fit in have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That's weird." Jughead said.
"Why are you getting so upset?" Betty asked.
"It's not just a party. It's also the way you try to meddle into my relationship with F/N. I'm not leaving her and you are not ever going to be my girlfriend. I love F/N more than anything and I hope one day you get the hint." Jughead said.
"Who are you two kidding you two are on borrowed time. She's this rich high class snooty snob. You are a loner." Betty said.
"Listen Betty you don't know anything about who I am. Our love is stronger then people think." You said. 
"Listen Betty I'm not one of your projects!
I'm not your friend!" Jughead yelled.
"Jughead." Betty sighed.
She walked out hurt and saddened.
"Want to ditch?" You asked.
"Yep." Jughead said.

You made it to the door well you fought your way through.
"Where are you two going?" Chuck asked.
"Leaving." You said.
"You can't leave now we haven't even played our game yet." Cheryl said with a smirk.
"Listen up party people! Everyone has their secrets  we all have done our fair share of sinning so let's play a little game to get those secrets out in the open!" Cheryl announced.
  "What is secrets and sins?" You asked.
"It's a variation on truth and dare which we own our truths by telling you like it is. I'll start the game with Veronica Lodge." Cheryl said.
"Naturally." Veronica said with a fake smile.
"Let's begin when you and your ugly sister and mother came to town to start a fresh new life tell us what's so fresh about kissing Archie." Cheryl said.
"That was your doing." Veronica replied.
"Moving on to your father is it true that your father illegally purchased the drive in land. So what else is he doing?" Cheryl asked.
You clenched your fist.
"I can't speak for my father. I can think of someone with their own secret specifically Cheryl killing her own brother." Veronica said.
"Everyone knows how much I love my brother." Cheryl responded.
"Exactly but as you got older he started to think it was strange." Veronica said.
Doyle started to imply that Archie and a teacher were getting together.
"Do I have a secret about Veronica Lodge's sister F/N. You know the one that tries to play level headed and keeps her cool."  Chuck said.
"Leave her alone Cheryl." Archie said.
"Shut up. Now F/N is it true you hate Betty Cooper? After all she did steal your boyfriend and leave you in a depressed state. But then you got with Reggie Mantle. Did you even have feelings for him or did you just date him to get revenge. Or did you cheat on Jughead first and couldn't deal with the fact he cheated on you with Betty. So to justify it you broke up with him painted him as the bad guy." Chuck said.
"So then you are just using him. You knew all about this right Jughead? That your girlfriend is cheating evil attention seeking-" Chuck started and Jughead got up and punched him and they started to go at it with Chuck pushing Jughead leaving a cut on his cheek.
Until FP stepped in and broke it up.
"Jughead!" You yelled.
You searched for his beanie but couldn't.
"F/N let's go." Jughead said and grabbed your hand.
You two walked in silence to Pops.
You were sitting in the booth is arm around you.
"I didn't think you were a fighter." You said.
" I'm a lover and fighter. I have layers." Jughead said.
"Thanks for being by me throughout that torture party." Jughead said.
"No problem next year we will just have an evening to us at Pops drinking milkshakes to our hearts content or until we run out of money." You joked.
"I would like that." Jughead said.
"Thank you for defending me." You said.
"But now you have a cut because of me." You said sadly.
"It's fine trust me." Jughead said and kissed your hand.
You then kissed him and he kissed back.
"I need you so don't do anything stupid." You said.
"I'll try not to." He said.

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