Keep Having Bad Luck

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Hello! My darling inklings Inky here speaking! I know some of you are waiting for the next chapter of this story me too! But I been told by miri that she wanted me to tell you guys that she spranged her ankle while outside with her friends I know that some of you was worried sick about miri when she ate that strawberry but she just wanted to let you guys know that Don't make a big fuss about it and she will be on bed rest for a while but she still will update this story.

The other reason why that happened was because that when she was outside with her friends she saw a cat running towards the street and there was a car coming at the same moment and she really loves animals so we wanted to stop but...while running she trip on a rock and twisted her left ankle but her friend was able to get the cat but she wasn't left unscathed it wasn't bad that she had to go to the hospital she just needs to stay in bed and wait for the swelling on her foot to go down so don't worry!

Welp! That's all she wanted me to tell you guys and she can't wait to hear what you guys have to say about the upcoming chapter in this story since she cares about what you guys think and she loves you guys!

That's all for now

Inky out♥️♥️♥️

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