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"John, Sherlock." You called. "I need to tell you something."

"Yes?" John answered as he stopped on walking and turn to face you while Sherlock stopped beside you.

"Erm.. I- I have a n-new mission." you said nervously.

Sherlock didn't said anything nor look at you, he just walk towards the cab leaving you and John.

"Er... how long?" John asked.

You shrug, "One to two weeks?"


"Dublin, I need to retrieve some information."

"Just take care. And please, don't get shot this time." He said, smiling at you as he pats your shoulder.

"I cannot guarantee you that." You winks and chuckled.

"Come on, let's go to Mr. Welsborough's."

You nodded and walks towards the cab.

"Seat beside Sherlock, I'm fine in there." John said as he points the other seat.

You sat beside Sherlock while Lestrade took the front seat.

"How's Rosie, John?" You asked, breaking the silence.

"Uh, she's fine. Waking up every hour especially when I'm about to close my eyes." He said, chuckling.

"Can I visit her before I go?" You asked.


"Can you two shut up? Especially you (y/n)! I'm trying to think here, can't you see?" Sherlock suddenly burst out.

You knits your eyebrows and looks at him, he's not looking at you or at John. "Fine!" You said, crossing your arms. You put your gaze to the road and the whole ride was silent.


You and the boys are walking along the drive towards the house, "Charlie’s family are pretty cut up about it, as you’d expect, so go easy on them, yeah?" Lestrade said.

"You know me." Sherlock said.

John’s phone started ringing, a Skype call from Mary and John answers it. "Hey, hello!" Mary said, happily. You lean closer to John and wave at Mary who's holding Rosie, she wave back at you.

"Got ’em, don’t worry. Pampers; the cream you can’t get from Boots." John said to her.

"Yeah, never mind about that. Where are you now? At the dead boy’s house?"


"And what does they think? Any theories?"

"Uh, well, I texted you the details."

"Yeah, two different types of vinyl."

Sherlock looks round and snatches John’s phone from him. "Hey!" John said, you're still not speaking a word since your ride in the cab.

"How do you know about that?" Sherlock asked.

"Oh, you’d be amazed at what a receptionist picks up. They know everything!" She said, making you smirk.

"Solved it, then?" Sherlock said.

"I’m working on it."

"Oh, Mary, motherhood’s slowing you down."


"Keep trying." He hands the phone back to John as you all approach the front door.

"So, what about it, then?" She asked John as you glances upwards as you step into the porch. "What, an empty car that suddenly has a week-old corpse in it? And what are you gonna call this one?"

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