Chpter 26

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Jungkook maneuvered through the crowd stuck to Sejin's arm. The bigger man held out his arm to push some people out of the way, most people not even sparing them a second glance. They passed the VIP sections, heading to the one that Jungkook recognized as Bighit's. When they got closer, he realized theirs was different from the one that he had. There was a white wall that slid closed in front of the opening, acting as a door.

Sejin walked up to it an knocked. The door slid open, revealing the nice small room. A man with dark grey hair was seated on a seat conversing with another male that Jungkook recognized as Jaebum. They whispered back and forth, not paying attention to him.

Even so, Jungkook looked away to prevent them from seeing his face. Sejin walked past the couch and knocked on the wall again. Sejin's walkie-talkie went off and a static voice broke through.

"You can enter, he's getting out of the shower." Jungkook smiled up at Sejin sweetly and the man smiled back at him. The wall -or what Jungkook thought was a wall- opened like a door, revealing a darkly lit room.

The two walked in and Jungkook took the time to glance around. There was a bed with dark purple and black covers, a dark neon purple light hanging on the wall near the bed, another door, which Jungkook presumed was the shower, a small couch and one nightstand near the bed.

"When you are finished please knock on the door so I know to escort you back." Sejin reached out and caressed Jungkook's cheek. "I feel bad for your fiancé, though. I'll make sure he doesn't question your whereabouts-"

"That's fine," Jungkook spoke out in a sultry voice, gently taking Sejin's hand from his face. "I need to satisfy myself somehow."

Sejin nodded and exited the room,, closing the door behind him. Jungkook walked in further, his hands resting in front of him. Whoever the man, or woman, was that he was meeting would tell him things he needed to know whether they wanted to or not. If they gave him any lip he'd just stick the gun to their pelvis and threaten the life of their genitals.

He sat on the bed and smoothened the covers beneath him, the silk running softly across his fingertips. He strummed his fingers against the covers and sighed, flopping back and laying down on the comfortable bed until the door opened and he shot up, eyes widening at the pink hair that was revealed.

"Sorry, I wanted to make sure I was clean," the soft voice said as his eyes made crescents when he smiled.

Jungkook gulped. "It's fine."

Jimin dried off his pink hair with a towel and tossed it onto the small couch. He had loose sweatpants hanging from is hips, his v-line and toned tummy showing proudly. He walked over to jungkook and sat next to him, reaching out and grabbing the collar of Jungkook's blazer. "Sejin didn't scare you, did he?"

"Of course not. It's not the first time a stranger's approached me."

Jimin chuckled and leaned back. "You're quite a looker."

Does he not recognize me?! Is it the poor lighting? "I guess you could say that...." Jungkook gulped and bit his lip. His goal was most definitely not to sleep with Jimin. It was to get as much information out of him as he could. He leaned over and pressed his hand against Jimin's bare bicep, causing the older male to look at him with a sweet smile. "Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course," Jimin said sweetly.

"It's my first a while," Jungkook whispered out, his hand sliding down diagonally, running down Jimin's chest. " a top or bottom...?"

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