03 ✧ adonis

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With his boyfriend's cold hands clamped between his, he brings it up to his lips. He presses his dry, chapped lips on the back of his hand. He lingers his lips there, silently hoping that that little action can somehow bring his heart rate to a steady beat again.

"It's strange, really, because our letters shouldn't have to mean so much to me than it should. They're letters— just words written on paper. They shouldn't be able to show how much we really care for each other. But they do."

With a shaky sigh, he slots his fingers between his limp ones, enclosing their hands together.

"Then again, neither of us have ever really been good with speaking out our feelings, so our letters are like a form of our... truest love."


"Oh my god, Zayn." The smitten lad swoons, sighing dreamily as he leans himself against the counter, still staring across the street, which the handsome busker has already left at least half an hour ago.

"Shhh, Niall! Not so loud. Don't want people getting the wrong idea, eh?" Zayn teases, smirking widely.

The younger of the two fakes a gag. "Oh please. I don't want your little flap anyway." He shoots back smartly.

"Little fucker! I do not have a little flap!" Zayn hisses before he slaps his best mate's arm playfully and moves over to the shelves before Niall could even hit him back.

"You've seen it yourself when we were in secondary school." Again, the blonde's scrunching his nose up and faking a gag.

"Don't remind me." He shudders dramatically. "The image is scarred in my mind for life."

"Hey, consider yourself lucky. There are people queuing up just to see my–"

"Okay, enough of your stupid penis." Niall cuts him off.

"There are more important matters at hand. Like how gorgeous his eyes are! They're are so, so green! Like a hidden emerald gem! And his hair, it looked so good up in a bun and I just..." Niall sighs happily again, the image of his beautifully and perfectly sculpted face filling his mind, again. His voice, his face, his lips and very fit body are all Niall's lovesick brain could dwell on.

"We had eye contact, for at least three seconds, before that twat behind me pushed me forward so I was forced to walk and I couldn't see him anymore. But it doesn't matter, because I dropped my note in his case! By myself!" He grins widely in excitement at the thought.

"My heart actually, like, genuinely hurts from beating so hard. Think my ribs are gonna burst soon." A foolish smile grows on Niall's pink lips.

"I get it, Ni." Zayn sighs, carefully wiping dust off a painting on the wall. "You've been going on and on about him for the past half hour." He wants to snap at his blonde best mate, be annoyed at him for his flooding of words, but this is also one of the few times he has seen the blonde boy so incredibly happy.

"I just wish I knew his name." Niall sighs deeply, ignoring his friend's comment.

"Just stick to Green Eyes, it suits him innit?" Zayn says nonchalantly.

Niall rolls his blue eyes, tiptoeing slightly to place his bum on the counter before sitting on it properly. "I'm gonna call him Adonis. Because, you know, god of beauty in greek mythology or some shit." He says with a proud smile.

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