25 ✧ teal box

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Hello lovelies!! It's been a hot minute hasn't it?? So sorry this was so late, I've been so busy these last two weeks xx


He curls up next to his boyfriend as best as he can, on the verge of falling off the bed and flat on his arse, but he doesn't mind. He just wants to be close to him... even if his body is cold and frigid, different from his usual warmth he's so used to.

He slips his fingers between his boyfriend's colder ones, intertwining them. He catches sight of the teal box sitting by the side table.

"Writing letters have always been our thing. But maybe to some, they might think that exchanging letters aren't sincere. I get why they'd say that though. Because it's obviously easier to lie or fake being nice through pen and paper rather than face to face. Who knows how many times we needed to rewrite the letters because it isn't perfect. And because of that, maybe people think it's not genuine? Maybe. And it's time consuming, very time consuming, but you are definitely worth the time. Taking my time to write a letter to you, then, is never time wasted. It's how we fell in love, wasn't it not?"

He puffs out a deep breath of air... "Anyway... think I'll take a break from the letters for now. Now I just wanna speak to you, not read out and reliving what has already happened. We've gotten through tough times, baby, and I know we can do this again. I just know it."


"Aren't you gonna say anything?" Niall asks meekly with tear brimmed eyes when Harry still hasn't spoken for the past seven minutes. Yes, he's keeping track.

The green eyed lad sighs, turning to his side so he can face Niall better. Gently, he raises both hands, framing his fair cheeks between them, making the blonde lock his blue eyes on his green ones.

"Why're you crying, love?" Harry asks softly instead, thumb running under his blue eyes to swipe away his threatening tears.

"I just... I'm scared to lose you." Niall whimpers out.

Niall puffs out a breath of air, carding his fingers through his hair. "She said what she needed to say, used me when she needed to use to get ahead and I've had enough. I know that's not justifiable, and I know you're disappointed in me. I am too. I know how low I stooped just for revenge, I know I'm better than that but I still did it. But I just... Please don't leave me, Harry. Not over this." He almost begs, fingers wrapping around Harry's wrists, keeping his hands in place as more tears start pooling up in his eyes.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere, baby. I promise." Harry reassures, leaning in and pecking Niall on his lips gently.

"Are you mad at me, Harry?" Niall asks softly with glassy blue eyes.

"No, love." Harry shakes his head. "Surprised, maybe a little disappointed, yes. But I'm not mad." He says. "I can understand why you're mad at Rose. What she did to you— all the emotional blackmails, the guilt tripping, the manipulation, taking away your happiness, coming in between all your past relationships— all of that, definitely uncalled for, and I can only imagine the amount of pain and frustration built up in you for those four years. I'd probably feel the same way if I were you. I can understand, really, but the more you hide and bottle your feelings for them, the harder you'll fall, innit?" Harry speaks softly, using the back of his hand to caress Niall's pink tinted cheeks.

"And what you did in return to Rose wasn't... the nicest either, I'll admit. But I get it, it was a mistake, everyone makes them. Heck, I did too. Loads of them, with all the sleeping around and lack of respect for everyone else. I don't even have the right to be mad at you after all I've done in the past. But just learn from the mistakes and don't let anyone make you stoop so low again, okay? No matter how badly you want to give the world a bitter taste of its own medicine, it's never worth losing yourself. So we'll just move on from this.. okay, love?"

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