10 ✧ broken hearts

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He leans back in the uncomfortable plastic chair, staring at his boyfriend who's lying in the bleach tinctured ward on the crisp but thinning sheets, an aching, empty hole in his heart.

With a wistful sigh, he kicks his legs up to rest on the bed, watching the very slow rise and fall of his boyfriend's chest.

"In the beginning, the both of us have always only shown glimpses of the person we are underneath. And when we feel too exposed, too vulnerable, we'd hide again. It was a bad habit that both of us had." A sad smile tugs at his chapped lips and another shaky sigh slips past his lips.

"And to be honest, we still do that. We still close off because we're afraid. Afraid of losing one another. And maybe if we weren't constantly pushing each other away just to avoid that hurt, you wouldn't be in this situation. We wouldn't be in this situation." Memories of the tragic incident that happened just three weeks ago flashes through the lad's mind, causing his eyes to brim with tears.

"But then again at the same time, you're the only person I feel comfortable with sharing all my thoughts and secrets. I know we didn't have the best of start. We had certain... circumstances that were in our way. But what I do want is our happy ending."

"And I just..." A choked sob breaks out of his throat, and he's lifting his eyes up to the white squared ceiling, willing himself not to cry.

"I just never want to stop making memories with you, whether it's good or not. So just please baby..." He whispers, voice laced with pain. "Please wake up so we can create more memories together."


Niall slumps by the corner, taking a swig of his vodka and sprite concoction, eyes gazing over the small crowd, hopelessly trying to look for the curly haired lad.

"Niall, what time's Zayn coming?" The birthday boy asks, taking a sip from his drink too.

"He should be on the way." Niall answers, still a little glum that he still hasn't spotted the curly haired lad. It's almost two hours into the party but he still isn't here.

He knows not to get his hopes up though. He could be with that girlfriend of his.

Niall scowls at the thought, before downing another large gulp of his drink, letting the alcohol burn his throat.

"Oh shoot, we ran out of beer." Shawn mumbles, digging through the big cooler box.

"I can go down the store to get it." Niall immediately volunteers, anything to get away from his thoughts of Harry. Though, he's sure that that thought isn't ever going to leave his mind.

"I'll come with." Shawn says, closing the box. "And don't try to fight me because I could use some fresh air."


Niall dissolves into a puddle of laughter. "No fucking way!" He bites his lip as he fights a new gale of giggles.

"Yup, we chased the damn cat as if our life depended on it, screaming at the top of our lungs for it to do a thunderbolt." Shawn speaks through his giggles, eyes softening as he sees the gleam in Niall's blue eyes.

"You guys are fucking crazy." The blonde wheezes out through his laughter. "The cat was grey. How the hell can it be a pikachu?"

"Hey! We were really drunk, and maybe a little high. You can't blame us."

"You know, I really hoped the cat scratched you or some shit. You guys must have had scared the fuck out of that poor thing." Niall says.

"It did. It scratched one of my friends, and he screamed, saying that pikachu just electrocuted its own owner."

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