22 ✧ feelings & apologies

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His arms are wrapped lazily around his boyfriend's waist, resting his weight on his elbow as he lies on his side, staring at how... peaceful his lover looks. Contradictory to how he feels at the moment.

He soon hears the doors to the hospital room squeaking open, and he jolts up, thinking it's the doctors again, but immediately relaxes when he notices it's just Shawn.

The younger lad smiles softly, lifting up the two paper bags of food.

He smiles gratefully, then slowly pushes himself up and gently detangles himself from his boyfriend.

He sits on the side of the bed while Shawn takes a seat on one of the plastic chairs, handing him one of the paper bags.

"Thanks Shawn." He mutters gratefully, pulling out the sandwich from the bag.

He notices the younger lad staring at him, so he raises a brow.

"What?" He questions, chomping down on his food. He never realised how hungry he was up till now. He probably hasn't eaten a proper meal for the last couple of days.

"You need to come home, mate. You can't be living in this hospital. I mean, you barely eat, you hardly have any sleep at night, not to mention a proper bath? Just come home for a couple of days?"

"No." He answers immediately, shaking his head. "W-What if he wakes up when I'm not here? What if-if something happens to him and he needs me a-and I'm not here with him? Or what if–"

"Hey, hey, alright, shh. Calm down." Shawn says soothingly, gently patting his knee.

The younger lad heaves a shaky sigh.

"You know... I hate to admit this to anyone, even to myself, but... I've always been jealous of your relationship. But more so, I've always admired you guys. I mean.. look at you now, you can't even bear to leave his side even at a time like this. If this isn't true love, then I don't know what is."

"Thanks Shawn." He smiles weakly. "Means a lot to me, ya know?" He mutters.

Shawn smiles weakly, then inhales a deep breath.

"And, I've never really got the chance to apologise. I'm sorry... I was kinda acting like a jerk to the both of you. But I just... like I said, was jealous. But that's no excuse, and for that, I'm sorry."

The lad smiles, keeps his sandwich back in the paper bag before reaching over to place a gentle hand on the younger lad's shoulder.

"I appreciate it Shawn, and I'm sure he does too. Thank you."

Shawn smiles weakly. "Don't let him go."

He nods with a half smile. "Never will."


"Harry," he hears his younger step brother call before he feels a shove at his side, causing him to drop his piece of toast down on the plate.

"Hmm?" He mindlessly answers as he picks his toast back up, then takes a bite.

He's completely out of it.

He's completely out of it because the only thing that his mind can focus on is Niall. Niall and his dyed blonde hair and sky-ocean blue eyes. Niall and his bright, gleaming smile and beautiful contagious laughter. And his lips. Oh those lips which are so soft and sweet and so damn addictive.

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