36 ✧ acceptance

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So in the last chapter I asked you guys if you were ready.....

Well.. sikeeee. Nothing super dramatic actually happens. Not yet at least. (I thought it would in this chapter but I changed my mind) hahah oops please don't kill me.

"I used to think, that falling in love would be easy." He starts, eyes trained on the ceiling, fingers mindlessly running up and down his boyfriend's arm.

"Which, it is. Falling in love with you was so easy, it happened even before I knew it did. But that's always the case yeah? In the beginning it always comes easy.

But the sad part is when people get bored. And people associate boredom with falling out of love. As if love is just some sort bubble that you can pop whenever you're bored. I'm not gonna lie, with you laying here when we could be out there exploring the world, or maybe even settling down, it bores me. You will be the same too, I'm sure, if you were in my shoes— sitting here alone in the room with nothing but the sound of the heart monitor keeping you company.

But I've come to realise that, no. You need to work at love. We often over-romanticise love in films, and sometimes we forget that it... costs. When we work at love and commit to it, that's when it's a wonderful, beautiful thing. So... all of this," he sighs, gesturing aimlessly to all the tubes and machines attached to his body.

"I'm sure, is going to be so so worth it, baby."


"Hello love, what can I do for you?" The elderly sister dressed in a white scapular with three blue stripes, asks Niall with a kind smile.

"Hi, I'm looking for Harry?" Niall asks, somewhat shyly, still a little awkward around strangers. "I just came to have lunch with him if that's okay." He tells her, lifting up the bag of nandos to show her.

It's been three days since Niall saw Harry back at his place that night. He too, was busy catching up with assignments of his own because they've just been piling up continuously, and Harry has been stuck with work for the last three days.

The only form of communication the two had was through texts. Leaning more towards Niall's side, though. Harry doesn't respond as often, but Niall figured it was just because he has been too busy or catching up on some rest too, because he definitely needs it.

But frankly, as much as he tries to tell himself Harry's okay, it still scares him. And yes, Zayn's analogy of suffocating Harry in a box did knock some sense into him which was why he didn't meet up with Harry even though his entire body and mind and heart and soul had been craving Harry for the past three days.

But that was three days too long, and he just... he misses Harry. That's enough of a reason, yeah?

"Oh, of course it is, hun. He's right this way, come, I'll show you." The nun smiles, gently placing a hand on Niall's back, with the other out stretched, gesturing for Niall to follow her.

"Thank you." Niall smiles.

"So I'm guessing you're Niall?" The elderly nun asks with a kind smile, taking the blonde back by surprise.

"Yes." Niall nods sheepishly. "How'd you know?"

"Oh, Harry has talked loads about you, dear. And he's right, you really are a good looking lad." The sister says with a light chuckle.

"O-Oh." Niall stammers with a growing blush on his cheeks, a shy smile stretching across his lips.

"Are you two together?" She asks, taking Niall back by surprise as she leads him down a corridor of classrooms, the sound of children chattering and laughter fills his ears.

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