16 ✧ kara-not-oke

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"Besides our letters, I think something else we've always had in common was music." He speaks softly, fingers tracing random patterns on his boyfriend's bony knuckles.

"This is for you..." he whispers, then brings his lover's hand up to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss on the back of it, before letting the sweet, original song lyrics spill from his lips....

"Then I look in my heart.. There's a light in the dark.
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me... That I wanna keep. Please don't leave...


"Please don't leave? Who's leaving you?"

"Ahh! Bloody son of a-" Niall shrieks as he jolts up in a startle, slamming his song-writing journal shut and letting the pen slip from his fingers and falling onto the wooden table bench.

Niall squints his eyes at the lad through the glaring sun and strong breeze.

"Dipshit. You scared the bejuices out of me." Niall huffs, but bites back a little giggle of his own.

The lad throws his head back in a chuckle as he casually slides into the seat opposite the blonde.

"Sorry." He shrugs, without a hint of sincerity. "You write songs?" Shawn asks, peering over at Niall's journal even though it's already clearly slammed closed.

"Not exactly songs, just random lyrics." Niall shrugs, instinctively pulling his journal closer to him.

"I wanna see!" Shawn grins, trying to reach over only to earn a playful smack on his hand from the blonde.

"Hey!" The younger lad whines, holding the hit hand to his chest.

"Never heard of privacy?" Niall sticks his tongue out teasingly.

"Heard about it. Just don't care for it." Shawn grins smugly, causing Niall to roll his eyes.

"What's gotten you so secretive for anyway?" Shawn snickers to himself.

"None of your beeswax." Niall sticks his tongue out childishly, which only causes the younger lad to chuckle harder and raise his hands up in faux surrender.  

"How mature." He rolls his eyes playfully.

"Ooohh but anyway! Besides the fact that you basically scared the bollocks out of me, guess what happened in class today!" Niall says with a beaming smile on his face, a sparkle in his eyes.

Niall doesn't know this, but the sight of him caused the younger lad's heart to miss a beat.

"Uhm let's see... you learnt that the hearts of shrimps are actually in their heads?" Shawn asks sarcastically.

Niall gives him a little weird look. "Wait, really?" Blue eyes grow wide in surprise.

"Mhmm. Learnt it in biology in secondary four." There's a proud smile on Shawn's lips and a glint in his eyes. It makes him look like a child on Christmas.

Niall clicks his tongue and waves the random comment off anyway. "Anyway, that's not the point. Point is, I just got offered an opportunity to visit the Debonair art museum in London!" He squeals excitedly.

"Oh. Uh..." Shawn furrows his brows. "I'm assuming that that's a good thing?"

Niall rolls his blue eyes. "Of course it's a good thing you knobhead! My prof absolutely loved my analysis on the painting of The Son of Man so he offered me an opportunity to fly over to London to visit the museum!"

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