28 ✧ stay with me

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"I've read somewhere that the mystery of existence is not about staying alive, but finding something to live for." He speaks softly, mindlessly playing with his boyfriend's cold fingers before intertwining them with his.

"And you, my love, you've given me countless of reasons to live."


"The number you have reached is unava–"

Niall groans in aggravation as he hangs up the phone then shoves the device back in his pocket.

He cards his fingers through his blonde hair, unhelpful thoughts start churning through his mind.

"Niall, you need to calm down." Zayn speaks calmly, sinking himself back into Niall's soft couch. "Harry's a big boy, he can take care of himself."

"It's nearing midnight, Zee. It's been nearly four hours since he stormed out of the diner with no explanation whatsoever, you can't just ask me to calm down! I mean, w-what if he got mugged or something? What if he fell or hit his head along the sidewalk and he's all alone? He could be–"

"Niall, stop it." Zayn cuts in sternly. "Stop scaring yourself, mate. Whatever reason Harry walked out of the diner for, it must have really hit home for him. He's probably just clearing his head."

"Yes, but why? No one even spoke to him at the diner, it doesn't make any sense." Worried tears start pooling up in his blue eyes, but he blinks them away.

"You know what, I'm going across the street and to his place. Maybe he went home without telling me, right? I'll go check just in case. Look after Livvy for me for a bit, please?" He finally decides as he picks up his phone and grabs his hoodie.

"But Niall,"

"I'll be back soon, Zee." He says, and without waiting for a response, he's slamming the front door shut.

He hugs the hoodie closer to his chest but doesn't bother putting it on. It's just a short walk across the street.

He scurries up the short building to get out of the autumn cold, and up to the Styles' place.

He rings the doorbell impatiently, feet tapping rather agitatedly against the wooden laminated floors.

"Niall? What're you doing here, sweetie?" The sweet voice of Anne asks him tiredly.

"Sorry to wake you up, Anne, but does Harry happen to be home?" Niall asks, fingers clenching to stop himself from literally gnawing his nails off.

"Harry? Isn't he with you, hun? Said he's accompanying you somewhere, no?" Anne tilts her head to the side in confusion, which only skyrockets the anxiety bubbling in the blonde.

"Which, he did. He followed me for an interview. Then all of a sudden he just bolted out of the diner without another word. That was around 8, and I haven't seen him since. I'm so worried, Anne." Niall starts to fret.

"Oh, come in love. We'll talk more inside." Anne says gently, even though Niall can clearly see the same worry pooling in her jade eyes. A flash of guilt rushes through Niall. He didn't mean to worry her like that, but he just can't help it. He feels like his head's about to explode with how hard it's spinning with those unhelpful thoughts.

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