38 ✧ open the door

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He warms his cold, frigid fingers against the warm cup of coffee. He props his legs up onto the bed, snuggling his cold feet under the thin blanket the hospital provides.

He takes a sip from the steaming drink, letting it slide down his throat to warm up his body.

He licks his lips, stares at his boyfriend, silently wondering to himself how the hell did he get so lucky.

Well... their circumstances could be better, but he's still lucky. Fortunate to have known him, to love him and to be loved by him.

"I'm aware that I'm less than what some people prefer me to be..." He whispers to himself, "but most people are unaware that I am so much more than what they see. But you... you see it. You see the best in me, all the time. I'm so lucky to have you."


Niall bites his lip to stifle a yawn, rubbing his eyes with a fist as he takes a sip of the scalding black coffee.

He leans back in the cushioned booth, tapping his fingers on the laminated wooden table to a random beat, eyes trained on the entrance on the cafe.

He pulls out his phone after a couple of boring minutes, noticing a text from his best mate.

From Z 🤡🧡:
I'm coming over for Wii later. Get the red carpet ready for my arrival.

To Z 🤡🧡:
The only red carpet you'll get is a throw rug at the doorstep.

From Z 🤡🧡:
Eh, good enough I guess. Oh, and also, are you and Harry up for dinner with Louis and I?

To Z 🤡🧡:
Shouldn't be a problem, I reckon, I'll ask him. We've got something on at four though, but we should be done by seven.

From Z 🤡🧡:
Sure. Can we do it at your place? I don't feel like eating out.

To Z 🤡🧡:
Don't let Louis hear you say that. Speaking of which, does he top or do you?????

From Z 🤡🧡:
Oh go suck a dick.

To Z 🤡🧡:
Planning to ;) Love you zaynieboo 😘

"Niall?" A voice calls, causing him to jump a little at the voice, blushing at how embarrassing he is.

He quickly keeps his phone back into the pocket, smiling kindly at the man who slides in the booth opposite him. "Hi. I got you some coffee. I hope that's okay." He says meekly, sliding across the mug of coffee over to him.

"It is, thanks lad, 'ppreciate it." He smiles, picking up the mug and taking a slow sip from it.

"So, is there something you want to talk about?" The man asks, placing the mug back down.

"Uh.. yeah, you see Mr Desmond, uh.. Mr Styles, sir.." He mumbles awkwardly, still unsure of what to call him since it's now suddenly been brought to light that this man, his future boss, is his boyfriend's father. Maybe his father in law too, hopefully.

"Oh, I suppose you know, huh?" He asks rhetorically with a nervous smile, clearing his throat and sitting a little straighter in his seat.

"Yeah..." The blonde mumbles awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "Uh... that's what I wanted to talk to you about actually..."

Sealed With A Kiss  | n.sOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora